
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

DJ Mei Yan and Fizo Omar launch OpenSnap – The Foodies’ Must Have Mobile App to Find and Share Food.

Build your own personalised food albums and use photos to browse over 1 million restaurants across Asia, putting food at your fingertips like no other!

KUALA LUMPUR, 23 April, 2014: Following recent launches in Hong Kong and Indonesia, OpenSnap – the definitive iOS and Android app for food lovers makes its debut in Malaysia.

Launched yesterday to local media by OpenRice Malaysia, the local division of Hong Kong based OpenRice, OpenSnap is poised to be a hit with over 17.5 million social media active Malaysians. Already, the app has received the thumbs up of local celebrities such as popular DJ, Mei Yan from MyFM and actor / celebrity, Fizo Omar who were both present at the launch. Among OpenSnap’s main features are:

Personalised restaurant albums - Personalised restaurant album with a systematic record of photos and easy sharing of dining experiences.

Food Finder – Use food images to find nearby restaurants. Users can search nearby restaurants by simply browsing photos uploaded by friends.

Rich Info behind every photo: Each food photo provides comprehensive details such as restaurant address, location map, phone number, OpenRice ratings, reviews and signature dishes.

Over 1 million restaurants across Asia – OpenSnap has an advanced search function that puts restaurants from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Philippines in one app.

(L-R) BC Ang, Country Manager -- OpenRice Malaysia, Jenna Sung, Product Manager – OpenSnap with celebrities DJ Mei Yan & Fizo Omar.

Users can also hash tag (i.e. #yummy, #ducks #penang), insert filters, use localised stickers, tag friends when uploading photos and share information on personal social networking platforms such as Facebook, Weibo and Twitter. Photos can be automatically uploaded onto your Facebook account via OpenSnap; while new users can register an OpenSnap account via Facebook.

“OpenSnap is the ideal food finder. It’s the best of community, technology and food within the palm of your hand. It makes eating out more fun, enhances the community aspect of meal times and does so much more.  For instance, the search, share and location based features make the app ideal for foodies or tourists who are looking for good food or just looking to share their experiences. You just need to snap and share. It’s that simple,” mentioned Country Manager for OpenRice Malaysia, Mr. Ang Boon Chow.

Ang explained that Malaysia was ripe for a food app considering the high and increasingly growing rates of broadband and smartphone penetration in the country, coupled with the local passion for all things food.

“Malaysians, especially the younger generation are fast adopters of technology. We are looking forward to a positive response similar to other Asian markets. The app covers all states in Malaysia, including Sabah and Sarawak. Give it a try and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at just how it will enhance your food hunting experience and get you to explore more food options,” he added.

The OpenSnap Beta version is available for download from App Store and Google Play Store.

DJ颜薇恩和Fizo Omar携手发布OpenSnap――美食爱好者必备手机App,轻松搜寻和分享美食


(吉隆坡2014年4月23日讯) 紧随香港和印尼之后,OpenSnap终于在马来西亚正式发布,OpenSnap是美食爱好者最可靠的iOS和Android手机App。

香港OpenRice旗下的OpenRice Malaysia正式于昨天向本地媒体发布OpenSnap,预计会受到大马超过1750万名活跃的社群媒体用户的热烈欢迎。目前,这个手机App已经获得本地艺人的大力推崇,像是来自MyFM的DJ颜薇恩和艺人兼演员Fizo Omar,他们两人都出席了今天的发布会。OpenSnap的主要特点包括:


用户也可以使用hash tag(如:#yummy、#ducks、#penang)、加滤镜、使用本地化贴图、上传照片时tag朋友和分享资讯至个人的社群媒体上,包括Facebook、微博和Twitter。照片可以透过OpenSnap自动上传到你的Facebook账号,而新用户也可以透过Facebook直接注册OpenSnap账号。

OpenRice Malaysia总经理洪文钞先生表示:“OpenSnap是理想的美食搜寻App,所有最棒的社群、科技和美食都可以一手掌握,让用餐变得更加有趣,也让用餐多了社群分享的乐趣,还有更多好处。比如说,这个App的搜寻、分享和定位功能,让美食爱好者或游客可以轻松寻找美食和分享他们的美食体验。你只需要拍照和分享,就这么简单。”



OpenSnap的beta版本已经可以在App Store和Google Play Store下载。

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