
Wednesday, June 6, 2007


AMD Empowers PC Industry to Deliver Innovative Small FormFactor Solutions with DTX and New Energy-Efficient Processors

KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. — June 5, 2007 — Further advancingthe availability of energy-efficient platforms, at Computex today, AMD(NYSE: AMD) announced the finalization of the DTX specification, an openstandard initiated by AMD to enable the development of small form factorPCs. AMD also introduced new 45-watt energy-efficient processors based on65nm technology, the AMD Athlon™ X2 dual-core processor BE-2350 and theAMD Athlon X2 dual-core processor BE-2300. These innovations help AMDdeliver on its commitment to lead the world to energy efficient processing byempowering OEMs and system builders to deliver smaller, quieter computingsolutions for the home or office desktop, as well as other locationsthroughout home.

Industry partners including Albatron, Asus, Cooler Master, ECS,Gigabyte, MSI, Silverstone, and Thermaltake are demonstrating functionalDTX demonstration platforms at AMD Booth #TF1I at Computex, Hall 4 TICCwith the intent to deliver systems later in 2007.

“AMD remains committed to enabling our ecosystem partners, and theecosystem as a whole, to develop systems that are not only energy-efficient,but also visually compelling for end users,” said Bob Brewer, corporate vicepresident and general manager, Desktop Division, AMD. “Our leadership ofthe DTX initiative, combined with the introduction of new energy-efficientdesktop processors, demonstrates AMD’s belief that an open standardsapproach to driving innovation is the best way to enable solutions to exceedthe needs of commercial customers and consumers.”

Industry continues to rally behind energy-efficient solutions

Just six months since AMD first introduced the DTX draft guidelines,AMD has received industry support as well as functioning designs from OEMs,ODMs, component vendors and other industry stakeholders rallying aroundthe possibilities and benefits of developing DTX-based small form factors.

“Strengthening our position as an innovative motherboardmanufacturer, ASUS is proud to support AMD’s vision for standardized, opencomponents for small form factor PCs that offer system builders the ability toexpand product portfolios by manufacturing specially designed DTXmotherboards that fit into a DTX-compliant chassis,” said Joe Hsieh, directorof ASUS’s Motherboard Business Department. “Launching our family of DTXmotherboards in Q4 of this year will allow us to offer our customers’ accessto truly innovative solutions that lower system size and power consumption,while boosting aesthetics and performance.”

With the release of these final guidelines, AMD is helping to empowerthe PC industry to develop open platforms and components with an emphasison cost efficiency, system options and backward-compatibility.

“Enhanced proliferation of small form factor desktops can help tosignificantly spur growth in the overall desktop PC category. Key to anyadditional growth in small form factor desktops is smaller motherboards,which enable greater design flexibility and new opportunities for desktopinnovation,” said Richard Shim, senior research analyst, Personal Computing,IDC. “IDC believes a widely supported small motherboard specification canaccelerate the adoption of small form factor desktops, starting in thecommercial desktop market and extending into niches within consumerdesktop.”

Energy-efficient processors from AMD not only enable differentiatedsolutions, but are extremely conducive to developing smaller and sleekerform factors that take up less space and are designed to operate quietly.Small form factor PCs can also help cut down on energy consumed and haveless impact on the environment than traditional PC form factors. Benefitingboth consumers and businesses of all sizes, energy-efficient AMD Athlon X2processors enable system designs that are capable of reduced noise and heatemissions with extended longevity, for a quieter and more pleasantcomputing experience in offices and homes. AMD’s new line of energyefficient45-watt processors is particularly well suited for standardized smallform factors, including those adhering to the DTX specification.

Dell, Fujitsu Siemens Computers, Lenovo, and leading system buildersworldwide continue to support platforms based on energy-efficient AMDAthlon processors.

“Dell is committed to delivering the most energy-efficient desktops inthe industry and AMD plays a key role in helping us deliver on that promise,”said Darrel Ward, director, Dell Product Group. “With the security, reliabilityand manageability of Dell’s award-winning OptiPlex 740, 45 watt AMD AthlonX2 processors allow us to pack performance and customer choice in a power efficient package.”

“With our energy-saving ESPRIMO Professional PCs, Fujitsu SiemensComputers continues to leverage our green product strategy and exceedeven environmental standards as set by law and market conditions,” saidAndreas Thimmel, senior vice president Business Clients, Fujitsu SiemensComputers. “By launching the new energy-saving edition of our Esprimo PC,powered by 45 watt, energy-efficient AMD Athlon X2 processors, FujitsuSiemens is pleased to offer desktop users the benefits of best-in-classperformance capabilities and low power consumption. Both Fujitsu SiemensComputers and AMD have a long tradition of developing innovative solutionsthat combine optimal productivity with exceptional energy efficiency.”

“Lenovo is committed to building the best-engineered PCs, and energyefficiency continues to play an important role in our PC design,” said TomTobul, executive director, product marketing Lenovo. “We are pleased tosupport AMD's launch of its new energy-efficient AMD Athlon X2 processorsas we develop innovative products that are powering businesses today.”

AMD supports ENERGY STAR® Version 4 specification

The introduction of 45-watt AMD Athlon X2 processors is the latesteffort by AMD to deliver energy-efficient platform solutions with technologiessuch as AMD Cool’n’Quiet™ technology. In March 2005, the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) awarded Cool’n’Quiet technologyspecial recognition for advancing energy-efficient computer technologies.AMD expects that systems built using energy-efficient AMD desktopprocessors can meet, and in many instances exceed, the new systemrequirements from the EPA’s ENERGY STAR Version 4 computer specification,effective July 20, 2007.

“The speed of innovation is powering an energy-efficiency revolution inthe computer industry,” said Bob Meyers, deputy assistant administrator forEPA's Office of Air and Radiation. “Through a new ENERGY STAR specificationfor computers, EPA and innovative technology partners like AMD aredeveloping energy-efficient technologies that help build a sustainableenvironment for future generations.”

In conjunction with the introduction of AMD's new 45-watt processorsat Computex, AMD is also announcing that it is beginning a transition to anew desktop model numbering convention designed to clearly communicateproduct improvements and differences. The new convention, which AMDplans to apply to upcoming products, is designed to create more visiblemodel increments representing the step function performance of multi-coreprocessors in many usage scenarios. As new processors are introduced, thenew system should be increasingly valuable in identifying and distinguishingAMD processors. For more information on AMD desktop processor modelnumbers, please visit,,30_118_9485_13041%5E13076,00.html.

Pricing and availabilityThese energy efficient processors are available immediately, with theAMD Athlon X2 dual-core processor BE-2350 priced at US$91 and AMDAthlon X2 dual-core processor BE-2300 priced at US$86, both for 1K unitPIB.

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