
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Broadcast Live on Your Mobile Phone

Taiwan Pocket Channel Sets New Benchmark for Mobile Communication
20 May, Kuala Lumpur – Pocket Channel, developed by The Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), presents mobile users with the opportunity to broadcast ‘live’ video footage through their mobile phones. Pocket Channel was showcased at the Taiwan Pavilion at WCIT 2008. The application based on a unique one-to-many mobile streaming technology converts mobile phones into mobile SNG* vehicles, allowing users to transmit ‘live’ footages to a community of viewers instantly and conveniently. In the past, users were only able to share pre-recorded footages that have been taken via their mobile. Hence, Pocket Channel sets new frontiers for mobile video publishing and mobile related business opportunities.

ITRI’s President Dr. Johnsee Lee explains “Pocket Channel allows mobile phones to be even more dynamic, as the application converts mobile phone or PDA into a smart streaming platform. With the help of the application, users will be able to transmit video or send pictures on a real-time basis to friends or family members. Pocket Channel has collaborated with various Taiwan television stations to allow members of the public (citizen journalists) to transmit ‘live’ news footages or pictures to their respective websites.”

At the personal front, Pocket Channel is a tool that will strengthen family ties, as personal user scenarios are endless. For example, an expectant mother who is in labour will be able to transmit ‘live’ broadcast of the birth of her child via her mobile phone to her husband who is not able to be present at the significant event.
Pocket Channel can be installed in any Internet device, such as a handset, PDA or PC with 3GPP compliant player.

Dr Johnsee Lee is the lead for the Taiwan delegation to WCIT 2008. The 50 member strong delegation consists of industrial and research representatives from Chunghwa Telecom, the Information Service Industry Association of the ROC, Tatung, and ITRI. The theme of the Taiwan showcase at WCIT 2008 is Smart Living. ITRI, the Institute for Information Industry and Chunghwa Telecom have collaborated to display 10 advanced ICT applications. Pocket Channel has been deemed to be of major interest to WCIT 2008 visitors as the technology is setting new mobile benchmarks, making an internet device into a mini mobile SNG* van.

Taiwan’s IT and IT products already hold an important place in the world market. Taiwan is responsible for producing over 90% of the notebook computers and motherboards made worldwide. In addition, its wafer foundry, LCD panel, and LCD television industries rank first globally. The Digital Access Index that is tabulated by the International Telecommunication Union measures the overall ability of individuals in a country to access and use new ICT. Last year, Taiwan ranked ninth in the index. Meanwhile, Taiwan’s e-government initiative has won worldwide acclaim. The World Economic Forum in its global competitiveness ratings for 2007 ranked Taiwan fourth in the e-government index, highlighting Taiwan’s achievements in this regard.

*SNG: Satellite News Gatherings

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