
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

IDG's InfoWorld Names Juniper Networks as One of the Green 15

KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA, May 21, 2008 – Juniper Networks, Inc. (NASDAQ: JNPR), the leader in high-performance networking, announced that IDG's InfoWorld, the leading integrated media brand for IT Decision Makers, has selected it for InfoWorld's Green 15 Awards for 2008. This honor is part of InfoWorld's first-ever Green 15 special feature published on

Companies around the world have embraced green technology to drive projects and develop products aimed at boosting energy efficiency, trimming waste, and reducing or eliminating the use or the production of harmful substances. The InfoWorld Green 15 awards recognize the 15 most innovative IT initiatives that fall under this umbrella of sustainability.

'Many organizations worldwide are struggling with high energy costs, as well as limited space and power to meet their computing needs,' said Ted Samson, Senior Analyst, InfoWorld 'They're also feeling pressure from investors, legislators, customers, and from within to cut waste, reduce their carbon footprint, and be better environmental stewards. The InfoWorld Green 15 winners clearly demonstrate how sustainable technology initiatives can be complementary -- even instrumental -- to achieving business goals.'

'Juniper is honored to be named in the InfoWorld Green 15,' said Michele Goins, CIO of Juniper Networks. 'Juniper is committed to innovating to help enable a sustainable energy future. We are focused on achieving energy efficiencies, both within the high-performance networking solutions we bring to market and within the expanse of our own internal IT infrastructure, to ensure we deliver maximum value in a way that is conscious of our responsibilities to the environment.'

Juniper's sustainability initiatives are reflected in many facets of the company, including its internal operations, extended eco-system and go-to-market solutions. The particular project highlighted in the InfoWorld Green 15 Awards was part of the company's efforts to responsibly manage their energy consumption and reduce their server footprint by virtualizing 325 servers. The end result helped reduce server sprawl, create additional space and maximize overall server utilization. Juniper anticipates a return on investment for this project over a 12-14 month period, in part from savings achieved by the reduction in consumption, which is expected to be more than 1.2 billion Watts over the course of a year -- equivalent to what 1252 US residents would consume in a month.

Juniper recognizes that energy efficiency is not an end-game, but rather a constant goal. As such, the company continues to evaluate its overall consumption to identify opportunities for improvement and create additional value for the business. Juniper also strives to help its customers meet their energy efficient needs through a high-performance networking infrastructure that can deliver space, energy and cooling savings; enables anytime, anywhere secure remote access; and supports hardware reuse/redeployment. In addition, the company is committed to working with partners and like-minded companies to advance environmentally responsible business practices.

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