
Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Committed to Understanding and Increasing Energy Efficiencies to Lessen Environmental Impacts of the Business

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, September 23, 2008 -- Juniper Networks, Inc. (NASDAQ: JNPR), the leader in high-performance networking, announced its continued commitment to understanding and documenting its environmental impact by sponsoring and participating in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), which launched its sixth report, CDP6, today in New York City. CDP is a global standardized mechanism by which companies report their greenhouse gas emissions to institutional investors; it hosts one of the largest registries of corporate greenhouse gas data in the world at

"Understanding and managing green house gas (GHG) emissions has become a business imperative that manifests itself in sustainability metrics and overall shareholder value," said Paul Dickinson, CEO of CDP. "Companies, such as Juniper, that take a proactive approach to addressing the issues of climate change within their business will find themselves well positioned to meet the needs of their stakeholders, from shareholders to employees."

This marks the second year Juniper Networks has sponsored the CDP launch and the third year it has voluntarily collected and submitted its green house gas emissions for worldwide reporting. As one of the 33 members of the CDP's Supply Chain Leadership Collaboration, the company is expanding its data collection to include its supply chain in order to achieve a more comprehensive accounting of its emissions and better shape its worldwide environmental strategy.

As indicated in Juniper's CDP6 response, the company has realized both successes and challenges to managing its carbon footprint on a global basis. Through the high-performance network infrastructure Juniper delivers to the market, the company remains committed to helping its customers meet their own energy efficiency targets.

Examples of Juniper's Successes
At the Juniper Networks corporate headquarters facility in Sunnyvale, Calif, the company expanded its square footage by 22 percent and its headcount by 15 percent from 2006 to 2007, yet kept its direct and indirect emissions (Electrical and Natural Gas) relatively stable, growing less than 3 percent (from 14,885 metric tons in 2006 to 15,223 in 2007). Looked at another way, the emissions per headcount went down by nearly one metric ton per person (from 6.91 in 2006 to 5.97 in 2007). This stability reflects the company's focus on growing its business in an environmentally responsible way.

Juniper is successfully implementing virtualization technology to minimize its server footprint in concert with supporting the overall expansion of the company. At its corporate headquarters in Sunnyvale, Juniper recently completed a pilot virtualization program in which it inventoried and then reduced the number of servers in its data center by 30 percent (approximately 325 servers). Ongoing server virtualization projects are focused on ensuring the company responsibly adds and maximizes server capacity and functionality, in addition to looking at the company's lab environments to ensure optimal utility.

Some Opportunities for Improvement
As a growing organization with an expanding presence outside of the United States, Juniper must contend, as does almost every global company, with finding and implementing efficient technologies in emerging markets in which it has a presence. In 2007, power availability issues negatively impacted Juniper's green house gas emissions reduction efforts in India, where the company was forced to employ less-efficient power supply systems for an extended period of time. Working closely with its utility providers, Juniper has successfully strengthened its power infrastructure in India and believes it is well positioned to significantly reduce emissions going forward.

The Juniper CDP data collection process also highlighted opportunities for improvement in the area of employee travel. As a result, Juniper implemented a new travel policy encouraging employees to utilize web conferencing and other unified communication tools whenever possible in place of travel, leveraging Juniper's own high-performance network infrastructure products, such as its Secure Access SSL VPN appliances for fast, reliable and secure remote access, to enhance its efforts in this area.

Juniper is focused on continuing to make a positive impact on the communities within which we operate," said Brad Minnis, director of environmental health, safety and security. "Whether those impacts relate to our business operations or the efficiencies of the high-performance network infrastructure we deliver to our customers, Juniper remains focused on innovating to be part of the solution to the problems facing the world."

Leading the Networking Industry Towards Greater Energy Efficiency
Juniper is announcing its SRX dynamic services gateways, a new category of devices that offers an extensible solution to scaling integrated services and networking capabilities on a single platform. The innovations delivered by this architecture will allow customers to accelerate new service deployments, while saving up to 75 percent on space and using up to 50 percent less power than alternative solutions

In February, Juniper introduced the industry's first high-performance control plane scaling platform, the Juniper Networks Control System 1200, which enables customers to implement service-specific network virtualization. In addition to the control and scale benefits, this virtualization reduces operational and capital costs by consolidating network equipment and functions, resulting in space and energy savings of up to 60% over traditional solutions.

In January, Juniper launched the EX-series of Ethernet switches powered by the proven, carrier-class JUNOS® software. When deployed using Juniper Virtual Chassis technology, which enables up to 10 EX 4200 series switches to be interconnected and managed as a single logical device, the EX-series switches occupy up to 80 percent less space and consume up to 53 percent less power than competing solutions offering similar port densities. In addition, the Virtual Chassis technology enables customers to add capacity as needed, maximizing network utility while helping to eliminate unnecessary space, energy and cooling consumption

Juniper is the market leader in SSL VPN solutions, which enable telecommuting by providing anywhere, anytime secure access to the resources individuals need, when and how they need them. Those companies with a culture of telecommuting, including Juniper, itself, are able to reduce commute pollution and avoid the energy costs associated with operating very small offices, while also saving employees money on expensive gasoline. At Juniper, 90% of the company's employees telecommute at some point throughout the year, with 10% telecommuting on any given day.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey 9 out of 10 workers, or 87.7 percent, drive to work. An individual with a 10 mile commute driving a car that gets approximately 20 miles to the gallon would save an equivalent of 22 pounds of carbon dioxide if they telecommuted once a week, or 1144 pounds for the year.

For more information on Juniper's Environmental Programs, please go to

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