
Thursday, April 30, 2009


Three technology platforms recognised for best design and quality under the Media and Home Electronics Category

Kuala Lumpur, 29 April, 2009 – MIMOS bagged three Malaysia Good Design Mark Awards 2008, under the media and home electronics category, a Government initiative under the Malaysia Design Council to recognise the best designs and quality of products developed by local companies.

The award, aimed at promoting locally-designed products, recognized MIMOS for the best designs and quality for three of its frontier technology platforms namely agriculture data collector, MIMOS WiWi wireless router and Jen-ii.

“We are indeed proud that our technology platforms have been recognized for its quality and innovativeness. The award further underscores our commitment to ensuring MIMOS becomes the premier applied research centre in frontier technologies,” said MIMOS President & Chief Executive, Dato’ Abdul Wahab Abdullah.

MIMOS ranked top for its design and quality in the media and home electronics products category for three technology platforms namely:
Ø Agriculture Data Collector, designed by MIMOS’ Staff Engineer (Industrial Design) Nuzairi Yasin, is a Micro-electro Mechanical System (MEMS)-based sensor used to detect the composition and condition of soil. It is oval shaped with a textured body surface which is light and portable, making it an easier holding and plugging collector as a agriculture on-site application.

Ø MIMOS WiWi Wireless Router, designed by MIMOS’ Staff Engineer (Industrial Design) Saharudin Busri,is a hybrid frontier technology platform of WiMAX and WiFi which has a high capacity wireless mesh network (WMN) architecture using WiMAX technology. The MIMOS WiWi wireless router sports a simple design with smooth corner radius, canopy type of assembly which is easy to assemble, water proof, saves tooling cost and environmentally friendly.

Ø Jen-ii (Jendela Informasi Internet), designed by MIMOS’ Staff Engineer (Industrial Design) Saharudin Busri, is an information and communications technology (ICT) literacy tool aimed at bridging the digital divide. Designed with the latest communications technologies for all walks of life, Jen-ii is a set-top box connected to a television which offers Internet connectivity and access to grid-based content.

This is the second year MIMOS has won the Malaysia Good Design Mark Awards. Last year, MIMOS’ iDOLA was recognized for its design and quality, also under the media and home electronics products category category.

iDOLA is an affordable tablet PC which is designed to make computing and information portable for its users.

“You will soon see MIMOS frontier technology platforms revolutionizing and impacting lives of Malaysians in line with our efforts to grow globally competitive indigenous industries,” Dato’ Wahab said.

The Malaysia Good Design Mark Award, in its 12th year, recognizes the efforts of the industry sector in the research and development of new products towards making Malaysia one of the main contributors in technology development and global economic advancement.

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