
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Canon together with Simon Yam Bring Joy to Yayasan Sunbeams Home

Kuala Lumpur, 8 May 2012 – It was truly a memorable and most anticipated Sunday for the children at Yayasan Sunbeams Home in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur when Hong Kong superstar and Canon ambassador Simon Yam along with representatives from Canon Marketing (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd visited their home to present Canon IXUS cameras as gifts to the home and spent the day with them.

The children at Yayasan Sunbeams Home were treated to a sumptuous lunch followed by Sunday afternoon movie screening of the award winning Hong Kong film “Echoes of the Rainbow” starring Simon Yam himself.
Group picture of Canon ambassador Simon Yam, Simon Wong, Director of the Imaging Communication Product division of Canon Marketing (Malaysia) with the Yayasan Sunbeams Home children and management team.

“This is part of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative to give back to the society and we hope that this will brighten the life of the children from Yayasan Sunbeams Home and encourage them to take up photography as a new hobby,” said Simon Wong, Director of the Imaging Communication Products division of Canon Marketing (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd.

Canon ambassador Simon Yam was back in Malaysia to celebrate Canon Malaysia’s 25th anniversary at the Eye on Canon showcase and took the opportunity to visit the home with the Canon team. “I was moved by the children here. Being a father myself, I understand the importance of parental love to a child and I am very happy to be able to spend the day with them and hopefully inspired them to work hard and live their dreams,” said Simon Yam.(from left to right): Simon Wong, Director of the Imaging Communication Product division of Canon Marketing (Malaysia), Canon ambassador Simon Yam presenting the gifts of Canon IXUS cameras to Pastor Alvin Tan, founder of Yayasan Sunbeams Home and the children.

Canon (Marketing) Malaysia Sdn Bhd also channelled a total of RM3, 000 collected from the camera sales of Eye on Canon Showcase 2012 to support Yayasan Sunbeams Home which is a non-governmental, self-supporting institution that was established to care and provide for the orphaned, abused, neglected and abandoned children.

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