
Thursday, June 21, 2012

SOURCEFIRE Unveils FireAMP™ Mobile Security Solution to Protect Local Enterprises

FireSIGHT and FireAMP Mobile Provide Visibility and Control Needed to Identify and Block Mobile Malware on Enterprise Networks

Kuala Lumpur, JUNE 20 2012 - Sourcefire, Inc. (Nasdaq: FIRE), a leader in intelligent cybersecurity solutions, today unveils the FireAMP™ Mobile security solution that enables local enterprises protect against advanced threats that result from mobility and the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) challenges.

Combined with FireSIGHT® technology, FireAMP™ Mobile provide organizations with Information Superiority that helps them to identify mobile devices connecting to the network, determine whether a device is at risk and then take measures to protect it.According to the Country Manager of Sourcefire Malaysia, Ivan Wen that BYOD is becoming the norm in today’s mobile enterprises. “Organizations need an increased level of security intelligence to identify risky behavior and applications on employee devices.”

“The newly launched FireAMP™ Mobile solution will provide company with visibility into the number and types of devices connecting to the network (iPhones/iPads, Blackberries, Android devices and more), as well as the applications they are running.”

“It then inspects mobile protocols to identify vulnerabilities and potential attacks against these devices, so that company can take appropriate measures to prevent and block mobile malware from spreading through the corporate networks.”

As organizations seek to securely integrate mobile, and especially employee-owned, devices into their corporate enterprises, Sourcefire’s solutions provide a comprehensive view into threats, vulnerabilities, devices, operating systems, applications, users, network behavior and files on the network that further allows organizations to rapidly adapt and respond to new changes and threats introduced in the network environments. Ivan Wen Country Manager of Sourcefire

The FireAMP™ Mobile integrates cloud-based analysis capabilities to deliver real-time protection against newly discovered threats. It also enables users to generate insightful reports with important threat intelligence that specific to their network environments. These reports include the top mobile malware incidents and blacklisted and/or non-whitelisted apps that have been installed on mobile devices.



吉隆坡,6月20日讯-Sourcefire,(Nasdaq: FIRE),网络智能安全解决方案供应商,今天推出FireAMP™流动网络安全解决方案,让本地企业, 在自备流动性设备(BringYourOwnDevice, BYOD)趋势的挑战下, 对高技巧的恶意网络侵袭进行适当的保护。

结合FireSIGHT®的技术, FireAMP™流动网络安全解决方案帮助企业监察他们所有连接到网络的移动设备,确定其设备是否处于在危险中,然后采取措施以防止恶意网络侵袭。

据Sourcefire大马总监,文宏宏表示自备流动性设备(BYOD)在许多流动性质的企业已逐渐成为规范。 “企业必需增强其网络安全识别的能力, 已监察员工设备任何可能危险的网络活动。”

“新推出的FireAMP™流动安全解决方案将提升企业将流动设备连接到网络的能见度(iPhone/ ipad,黑莓,Android设备等),以及它们正在运用的应用程序。”

“然后, 确定这些设备对网罗的潜在的攻击,让公司可以采取适当的措施,以防止和阻止流动网络的恶意袭击,或病毒通过企业的网络传播。”


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