
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Astro On-The-Go service is now available to all Malaysians, at home and worldwide

3 March 2013, Melbourne, Australia – Imagine if you are a Malaysian travelling or residing abroad, where you can still keep up with your favourite local drama or movie or follow live breaking news from home or watch live local sports, anytime, anywhere. With Astro On-The-Go (AOTG), all this will be available soon as you can now stay connected to home via local movies, live local sports or latest news on the Astro platform.

Astro Malaysia Holdings Berhad (Astro) today made a major announcement in its business strategy, in conjunction with the launch of its Astro On-The-Go service for Malaysians anywhere in the world to enjoy the best of Malaysian content, live sports and breaking news. Astro launched the service in Melbourne, a heartland of Malaysians living abroad with almost 150,000 Malaysians residing in Australia.

(From Left) Dato' Rohana Rozhan, CEO of Astro Malaysia_ Brian Lenz, Chief Innovation Officer, Astro_ Liew Swee Lin, Chief Commercial Officer, Astro_ Henry Tan, COO, Astro.

Dato’ Rohana Rozhan, Chief Executive Officer of Astro said, “Today marks a historic milestone for Astro and Malaysia. We have taken a giant leap forward in making our Malaysian content available to Malaysians living abroad, and have taken our first step to becoming a global brand. Leveraging on our unique position, to provide the best content across all platforms, making Malaysian culture, music and content internationally accessible, not just in Australia, but also the UK, USA and wherever Malaysians go in the world through Astro On-The-Go.

Astro On-The-Go is a versatile and innovative service that enables all Malaysians in Malaysia and worldwide to enjoy a seamless and personalized viewing experience and access the best of Astro TV, Radio and Video-On-Demand across multiple devices be it on smartphones, tablets or laptops anytime, anywhere.”
With immediate effect, Malaysians travelling and living abroad can register for the service now and enjoy a free preview of Astro Awani, Malaysia's first 24-hour news and information channel as well as selected live sports events on Astro Arena, Malaysia’s first and only channel dedicated to local sports. Malaysians residing abroad will be able to follow live breaking news including a special coverage on the upcoming Malaysian General Elections, 24x7coverage on local happenings and in-depth analysis in both English and Malay on Astro Awani as well as cheer on their favorite teams via live local sporting events on Astro Arena.

Phase 2 of the Astro On-The-Go service will see more Malaysian content like Maharaja Lawak, Adam Dan Hawa, Hua Hee Makan and Oh My English! on the linear channels as well as popular Astro First movies like Juvana, Husin, Mon & Jin Pakai Toncit and Awan Dania, while phase 3 will see an introduction of our Video On Demand offering between 1,000 to 1,500 titles. The commercial roll out of the full AOTG Worldwide service will be available in the second quarter of the year, where Astro will showcase linear TV and music channels, live events including sports, video on demand and catch up programmes.
As Malaysia’s leading aggregator, distributor and producer of content, Astro is in the position to deliver quality Malaysian content beyond Malaysia to Asia and the world over. AOTG helps to widen Astro’s footprint beyond the traditional customer base as well as to unlock our potential as an integrated consumer media group, addressing both the households and the individuals within the households. AOTG is a truly revolutionary way Malaysians can enjoy the best of Astro content at every touch point, wherever they are.

Astro first offered the AOTG service to its Malaysian customers in May 2012, and the reception has been tremendous with over 500,000 views and 400,000 app downloads within a short span of time, proving that AOTG clearly resonates with our audience nationwide; a testament of Astro’s leadership in providing the best in entertainment, education and information.

In Malaysia, existing Astro customers can subscribe to the AOTG service and enjoy up to 21 linear channels, live sports events, catch up content and VOD for only RM25/month.

AOTG is also available to all Malaysians including non-Astro customers in Malaysia too, a new segment of customers altogether who are now empowered to view Astro content as and when they wish. Non Astro customers can choose to subscribe to either Pack 1 or Pack 2 both comprising 4 channels each at RM30/pack per month or RM5/pack per day or they can also choose to subscribe to single channels within each pack including Vaanavil from RM10 to RM15/channel per month. Pack 1 comprises mostly Malay language channels like Warna, Bella, Oasis and Ria Plus while Pack 2 consists of Hua Hee Dai, AEC, Xiao Tai Yang and Shuang Xing channels. In addition to the packs, non Astro customers will also be able to access selected TV programmes, 9 Radio channels, Arena and Awani for free and also have the option to buy the latest movies from Astro First and Astro Best between RM10 to RM15 per title.  A slew of additional content is planned to be made available on the AOTG service in the near future.
For more information or to register for AOTG, please visit

大马人现已能在国内或世界各地享用Astro On-The-Go 服务

(墨尔本3日讯)想像一下,如果你是一名到国外旅游或旅居的大马人,却依然能随时随地追看你喜爱的本地戏剧和电影,或收看大马直播的新闻报导和本地体坛赛事,这一切很快就能通过Astro On-The-Go(AOTG)实现!如今尽管你身在国外,还是能通过Astro 平台紧贴追看本地电影、收看直播体育节目或最新新闻报导等。

Astro 大马控股有限公司(Astro)今日择于澳洲拥有超过15万名大马人旅居的墨尔本,宣布其业务策略,同时也为这项可供世界各地大马人随时随地收看最佳本地节目、直播新闻和本地运动赛事的Astro On-The-Go服务举办推介礼。

Astro 首席执行官拿督罗哈娜•诺珊说:“Astro如今再创下历史性的里程碑,我们为旅居国外的大马人提供更多本地节目,同时这也是我们迈进成为国际品牌的一大步。希望能凭借我们这独特的地位,为不止澳洲,还有在英国、美国或世界各地的大马人,通过AOTG提供最优质的大马文化、音乐等节目内容,让本地节目更国际化。

Astro On-The-Go是一项多功能和创新的服务,让国人和世界各地的大马人通过使用智能手机、平板电脑或手提电脑,随时随地观赏到最完善和富个性化视觉体验的Astro电视,电台和视频点播(VOD)节目。”

即日开始,出国旅游或在国外旅居的大马人可以向Astro登记AOTG服务,并享有免费试看Astro Awani及Astro Arena频道的节目。Astro Awani是大马第一个24小时新闻资讯台而Astro Arena也是大马唯一全面报导本地体坛动态的电视台。旅居国外的大马人可通过Astro Awani关注大马的最新时事消息,全日不停以国语和英语播报的国内大事件并进行深度分析报导,包括在即将来临的全国大选的特别报导等。此外,也能通过Astro Arena 观看直播的本地运动赛事和为喜爱的运动队伍打气。

第二阶段的Astro On-The–Go服务将为观众带来以本地内容为主的节目及广受欢迎的节目,当中包括《Maharaja Lawak》、《Adam Dan Hawa》、《欢喜欢喜就好》、《Oh My English!》,以及Astro First频道里的热播电影《Juvana》、《Husin》、 《Mon & Jin Pakai Toncit》 和 《Awan Dania》。而第三阶段将会进一步介绍可提供1000 至1500个节目的视频点播。 至于完整的AOTG全球 (AOTG Worldwide)服务,包括本地电视台和音乐频道、直播体育节目、视频点播(VOD)和 Catch Up TV节目,将在今年第二季正式商业化推出。



在马来西亚的Astro现有用户可以每月25令吉签购AOTG服务,即可观赏超过21个本地电视频道、直播的体育节目、catup up 及VOD节目。

目前国内非Astro用户也能签购AOTG,他们可选择签购各别拥有4个电视频道的配套1或配套2,每个配套每月只需30令吉,平均每日收费只需5令吉。此外他们也能以每月10至15令吉的价格签购配套内的其中一电视台频道,包括Astro Vaanavil频道。配套1主要是以马来文内容为主,当中包括Astro Warna、Astro Bella、Astro Oasis 及Astro Ria Plus频道,而配套2 则有Astro 欢喜台、Astro AEC、Astro小太阳及Astro双星频道组成。除了上述频道外,非Astro用户也能通过AOTG观赏到特定电视节目、收听9个电台、免费收看Astro Arena 和Astro Awani频道 ,或在Astro First 及Astro Best以10至15令吉的价格签购最新最佳的电影。AOTG近期内也计划增加更多的内容。


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