
Friday, June 15, 2007

Red Hat強化其軟件

Red Hat Enhances Software as a Service Capabilities to Broaden Overall System Management Infrastructure

June 14, 2007 – Red Hat (NYSE: RHT), the world's leading provider of open source solutions, today announced the immediate availability of an updated Red Hat Command Center service. The enhanced Red Hat Command Center service makes comprehensive enterprise-class monitoring technology accessible to a broad audience of Red Hat customers for a fraction of the cost of comparable on-premises products. This release extends Red Hat's broader portfolio of systems management capabilities offered under both on-premises and software as a service (SaaS) delivery models, offering maximum choice and value for a wide range of customer-use scenarios.

Red Hat Command Center delivers affordable, easy-to-use monitoring for a wide range of IT infrastructure components spanning from servers and network devices to business applications and web sites. Customers can monitor not only their Red Hat Enterprise Linux and JBoss instances, but also web servers (Apache, Tomcat), databases (Oracle, MySQL) and network services (DNS, FTP, SNMP), all for one compelling low price. With the introduction of this update, Command Center also now provides unlimited basic up/down monitoring for all systems in a customer's network, with one paid Command Center subscription.

Red Hat Command Center complements Red Hat's other SaaS management services, delivered using Red Hat Network Hosted and its larger on-premises system management infrastructures - Red Hat Network Satellite and JBoss Operations Network. Red Hat has offered customers a comprehensive and growing range of on-premises and SaaS systems management solutions since the introduction of Red Hat Network in 2000.

SaaS solutions
The primary system management SaaS solution is Red Hat Network Hosted, providing software updates, management and provisioning capabilities without the need for additional customer-deployed infrastructure. Customers can keep machines current with the latest security fixes and patches for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Directory Server, Application Stack and now any ISV application delivered through Red Hat Exchange. Red Hat Network Hosted is included with every Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscription. Red Hat Command Center extends these capabilities to include extensive online monitoring, alerting and escalation capabilities. Recognizing that monitoring needs to encompass all elements of a solution, Red Hat Command Center is capable of monitoring a wide range of operating systems, middleware environments and network and hardware devices.

On-Premises solutions
The primary system management on-premises solutions are Red Hat Network Satellite and JBoss Operations Network. These are designed for larger environments and provide the highest levels of functionality and scalability. Red Hat Network Satellite provides software updates, configuration management, bare-metal provisioning, system monitoring and virtualization management for Red Hat Enterprise Linux. It is ideal for larger configurations, scaling from a few dozen to thousands of servers. JBoss Operations Network provides a cross-operating systems management platform for the JBoss Application Platform. Deployed in a server-agent architecture it provides inventory, administration, configuration, deployment and advanced monitoring for components which comprise middleware applications.

“With the introduction of this updated Command Center offering, Red Hat further extends its portfolio of systems management capabilities offered in the software as a service model,” said Donald Fischer, Vice President of Online Services at Red Hat. “Red Hat's comprehensive suite of systems management offerings, including both on-premises and SaaS deployment models, offers customers the ability to choose the solution that meets their particular needs and budget at any given time.”

Red Hat Command Center is available in North America today, with worldwide availability expected later this year. For more information, please visit:
· Red Hat Network:
· Red Hat Command Center:
· JBoss Operations Network:

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