
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Corporations Gain Insights with Analytics and Consumers Benefit


KUALA LUMPUR, 26 MARCH 2008 – Word has is that SAS may have been the ‘unsung hero’ in the revelation of the New York Governor Elliot Spitzer prostitution scandal; with a specific reference to the SAS Anti-Money Laundering software that is used to monitor financial transactions – whereby in Spitzer's case, were several suspicious large withdrawals and records of payments made to a shell company.

Whilst this high-profile case illustrates the integral relationship between business technology and its impact on the events within the (public) masses, SAS Malaysia says starting 2008, analytics has been singled out as the factor behind the gaining of key insights – regardless whether in the public, commercial and social area context.

Allan Tham, SAS Malaysia’s Head of Enterprise Information Platform (EIP) Practice shares that the use of analytics is everywhere and is making significant changes to people’s lives.

For example, Absa Bank in South Africa was able to use analytics to protect their customers investments. Banks are able to identify characteristics of branches most likely to get robbed and modify its security measures. “Recorded results show that the number of armed robberies declined 41 percent in two years, with a 38 percent reduction in cash loss.”

“Furthermore analytics is able to assist banks like HSBC to pinpoint abbreviations in regular transactions and detect credit card fraud even before the transaction is completed. Each verification call that users get prior to an ‘unusual’ transaction ensures their interest are safeguarded. This helps the banks improve operational efficiency and fraud protection for their customers.” says Tham.

Closer back home, analytics has enabled Insurance Services Malaysia Berhad (ISM) to set up a world-class fraud management detection system via specific data mining techniques.

“At the end of the day, it’s the consumer that benefits from these customized reports that assist them to strategize for more competitive insurance product pricing, explains Carl Rajendram, Chief Executive Officer of Insurance Services Malaysia Berhad (ISM).

Analytics Everywhere

Insights gained from analytics are being used by corporations everywhere in virtually every industry to remain competitive and to stay relevant to their customers. The impact goes beyond just benefits for these organizations but the people and consumers whom these organizations serve. The examples are myriad.

· In the retail industry, retailers like Parkson Malaysia uses information gained from analytics to tailor their campaign mailers to the consumers, The result is more relevant products being offered to the right pool of customers and a 40 percent increase in mailer response rate for the retailer .

· Another retailer, Harris Teeter sends customized e-mails to its customers highlighting their typical buys and whether the items are on sale that week. Regular shoppers are rewarded with specialty store special discounts specific to their favourite items.

· Kohl plans allocates merchandise at its stores based on the size and colours demanded by consumers shopping in that store. Analytics reveals distinct differences between stores, even within the same region.

· Victoria’s Secret sends a special fragrance direct mailer to some 100,000 customers who are spending 3-5 times more by going through the channels of retail stores, Internet and catalogs. All through applying analytics.

· Even online companies like are able to instantly give "you may also like" recommendations to users based on their search/purchase – providing a percentage of customers that bought the item, and sending weekly emails to members on deals on previously searched items, via analytics.

· Loan approval processing just got faster with analytics. The Laurentian Bank in Montreal was able to quicken its automatic loan approvals for their customers and reduce its losses by 8 percent on newly acquired loans.

· Media companies such as newspapers also use analytics on their readers to develop new products, increase overall circulation and maximize advertising revenues, and focus on the preferences of its readers. The customer intelligence generated by analytics helps savvy newspapers attract advertisers who are willing to pay a premium for widespread exposure in publications that reach readers who are ready to buy.

· The North Caroline State University’s Department of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences relied on analytics to spot a crucial trend in 100 years’ worth of weather data to predict an accurate season instance in 2006. As a result, government, local officials and homeowners were able to be better prepared.

SAS Enterprise Intelligence Platform (EIP) 9.2: Analytics at the next level

Although there is growing awareness that analytics is everywhere and playing a significant role in daily lives, it is still ambiguous to many.

“Analytics is undergoing an evolution today. Real analytics is no longer just about the churning out of standard reports that summarizes to you the story behind a heap of data.”

Tham says that analytics today is about being able to take a deep look at an enormous data, and derive intelligence ie. predictive information from it and use that information to make good decisions in the business and social worlds. Simply put, analytics is based on a very powerful engine that performs data collaboration, data management and data visualization,” says Tham, who also shares on the launch of the SAS Enterprise Intelligence Platform (EIP) 9.2, moving up from the company’s version 9.0.

“SAS 9.2 is revolutionary and evolutionary,”ends Tham. “Organizations using analytics will appreciate SAS’ unrelenting focus on innovation and meeting customer needs. SAS 9.2 is non-disruptive innovation. It helps companies gather and analyze data and share intelligence for quicker, more accurate business decisions.” “

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