
Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Kuala Lumpur, 18 May 2009 –
Vantage Point Consulting (Vantage) is a renowned Business and IT consulting provider specializing in Information Communication and Technology with a corporate adage, to enhance your competitive @vantage, in line with its mission of bringing value into the business community through diverse set of clients.

Chief Executives are aggressively discovering new methodology to optimize cost in this economic turmoil by venturing new business approach to enhance services and products in order to stay ahead of competition. In line with this, Vantage has embarked into an on-demand business model whereby it is customized to respective business needs. Thus, business owner can stay focused on their core business values to innovate and deliver refined products and services while outsourcing the operational functions.

This is in line with IDC’s Top 10 Predictions of the IT services market for Malaysia. One of the predictions, “IDC predicts that Software as a Service (SaaS) will make greater strides in Malaysia in 2009 due to the changing market dynamics. Trying time such as this will be a push factor for organizations to adopt the SaaS model because of its low upfront cost compare with traditional licensing”

Despite protective measures taken to curb outsourcing activities for political reasons, globalization shall prevail and outsourcing will still remain as key factor for organizations in evolving and innovating measures to stay competitive as a profitable organization.

Commenting on Vantage latest milestone, Rahim Osman, its Chief Executive Officer said, "The recent economic crunch could not have come at a more opportune time to develop ways to ride out the current global economic woes. In conjunction with this Vantage releases its latest offerings Service beyond Software, or commonly known as Software as a Service (SaaS, typically pronounced 'sass') a model of software deployment whereby a provider licenses an application solution to customers for use as a service on demand.”

This is the first and premier on-demand solution in the Asia Pacific Region that runs on SAP. The exclusiveness with Vantage is that SAP application and data are hosted remotely which includes infrastructure and connectivity. All you need is an Internet connection. It is fundamentally different from the traditional software; the Service beyond Software model presents significant advantages to customers.

Its benefits to customers are as follows:-
easier, faster & cost-effective software
Customers can avoid long and uncertain resource-intensive deployment cycles as well as eliminate high infrastructure costs. “Pay-as-you-go" model allows immediate access to the application features and functionality.

In the evolving technology environment, Service beyond Software enables customers to select the applications that they need and eliminate the ones that they don't.

consistent performance, security & stability
Because the application is essentially delivered as a service, customers enjoy a responsive value of the Service beyond Software. In the “pay-as-you-go” model, vendors are being judged on a month-to-month basis, and there is added pressure to produce rapid improvements to the application.
Why is it an advantage to go with Vantage
Ø Marginal initial Cost
Ø Significant SAVINGS in total investment
Ø Fast Implementation – Template Based
Ø Always on latest SAP versions
Ø First Class Infrastructure and Support
To complement further Vantage provides software service enabling Business User Interface Leveraging Technology.

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