
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bridgewater Unveils myPolicy Solution for iPhone and BlackBerry

Innovative approach empowers subscribers to personalize and manage mobile data usage, set limits and notifications, receive special offers, and prevent bill shock

SINGAPORE – June 17, 2009 – Bridgewater Systems (TSX: BWC), the mobile personalization company, today announced Bridgewater’s myPolicy™ solution. It features the new myPolicy application for the Apple® iPhone and Research in Motion’s BlackBerry®, and policy control components that communicate with network and IT systems to provide a real-time view of mobile usage.

Bridgewater’s myPolicy solution enables mobile operators to give subscribers control over their mobile experience including:

My Usage: Tracking real-time data, SMS and applications usage, as well as voice and roaming charges anytime, anywhere.
My Limits: Setting personalized limits, notifications, and roaming controls to manage mobile usage and prevent bill shock.
My Offers: Receiving special offers in real time such as day passes for new applications, roaming passes for subscribers who are traveling, bandwidth top-ups, or free SMS with mobile advertising.
The solution features:

The new myPolicy client application for the Apple iPhone and RIM’s BlackBerry and coming soon for additional smartphones.

Software development kits that allow operators to brand, customize and extend the myPolicy application to meet operator-specific requirements.

The new myPolicy Broker, a module of the Bridgewater® Policy Controller that brokers requests between the myPolicy application and the Policy Controller, and retrieves the appropriate information to present to the subscriber according to their preferences.

The Bridgewater Policy Controller, a PCRF-compliant policy control function that applies real-time network, application and subscriber rules such as updating usage information, providing subscriber context, and enforcing limits. The Policy Controller sends requests and receives information from relevant network and IT systems.

It offers several key benefits for mobile operators:

Improve customer loyalty by empowering consumers and enterprises to set their own policies including mobile usage at home, in the office, and while roaming, personal limits and notifications, prioritizing applications, or assigning different usage thresholds by employee function.

Increase Apps Store brand awareness with a convenient mobile application that offers easy access to personalized usage controls and service options that leverage subscriber assets such as preferences, location, billing, and behaviors. Operators can customize the myPolicy application with functions available on self-service web portals such as modifying plans and access to account features.

Drive incremental revenues with personalized services such as roaming or application day passes, bandwidth boosts, and special event offers based on usage or location. Custom myPolicy solutions can be provided to enterprise IT departments to manage mobile usage.
Reduce customer service costs by giving subscribers the freedom to set their own policies and monitor usage in real time on their mobile devices.

Peter Mottishaw, Principal Analyst, Analysys Mason
"There has been a rapid take up of mobile data services in the last two years, driven by the introduction of more usable smartphones, such as the iphone and more attractive mobile data tariffs. However, users remain concerned about unexpected charges and bill shock. They are looking for ways to personalize and control their mobile data usage and experience. They want to monitor their roaming usage while traveling, receive notifications when they are near their monthly bandwidth limit, know how much data an application is using, and receive timely offers. Mobile operators who can meet these requirements will be rewarded by loyal customers and increased take up of mobile data services."

David Sharpley, Senior Vice President, Bridgewater Systems

“Bridgewater’s myPolicy solution revolutionizes the relationship between mobile operators and their subscribers by empowering smartphone users to personalize and manage their mobile usage and experience. This unique and innovative approach underscores Bridgewater’s policy market leadership and the compelling value we bring to mobile operators.”
Visit Bridgewater Systems at CommunicAsia 2009, stand 3J2-01, Hall 3, on the Canada/Ontario pavilion at the Singapore Expo from June 16-19, 2009. Join Bridgewater Senior Vice President David Sharpley on June 17th in press conference room K at 10:30 am to hear about the new myPolicy solution and see live demonstrations.

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