KUALA LUMPUR, MARCH 19, 2012 – JARING, the nation’s premier Internet Service Provider, today announced a new service, JARING DDoS Armour, designed to protect customers’ businesses and networks from multi-vector DDoS attacks.
The JARING DDoS Armour service, a managed service that monitors, detects and automatically mitigates any DDoS attack on customers’ networks, is now being offered to JARING’s corporate customers who are currently utilising its Dedicated Internet Access, Internet Data Centre and/or OneCloud or Cloud Computing services. Encik Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Yaacob, CEO of JARING Communications Sdn Bhd.
DDoS or Distributed-Denial-of-Service refers to attacks and attempts launched by individuals or a group of people with the aim to overload and overwhelm computer/network resources to a point that renders those services unavailable, sometimes temporarily and in some severe instances, indefinitely.
DDoS attacks occur when multiple compromised systems are used to target a single system, by sending repeated malformed packets requests, overwhelming the receiving host and rendering it incapable to respond to the high magnitude of requests. DDoS attacks can be carried out virtually and anonymously over the Internet through the use of compromised PCs.How JARING DDoS Armour Helps Protect Your Business and Network
Victims of such attacks include the end targeted system as well as systems in the network path and all systems maliciously used and controlled by the perpetrator in the distributed attacks.
When successful, DDoS attacks will result in service downtime and great losses including short-term financial losses, long-term reputational losses and even permanent business disability especially for businesses with core revenue generating functions.
“The JARING DDoS Armour service is fully managed by a highly experienced technical team at JARING so there are no costly capital expenses involved for this immediate protection against potential threats to our customers’ businesses and networks,” said Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Yaacob, Chief Executive Officer of JARING Communications Sdn Bhd.
JARING DDoS Armour utilises advanced hybrid techniques to determine legitimate attacks in every packet that arrives in the network. The solution provides infrastructure visibility, security and delivery of managed security services especially for mitigating the threat of DDoS attacks. The technology is currently widely used by many telecommunications companies and high-profile websites worldwide.
“JARING has actually been utilising the DDoS mitigation technology since two years ago to protect our core network and based on our own experience and track record, we are now extending this service to our clients.
“We strongly urge companies, especially financial institutions, government agencies and high-profile websites to leverage on the JARING DDoS Armour services to defend against the DDoS attacks that may affect continuity of online services and results in loss of revenue and brand image,” concluded Nik Abdul Aziz.
For more information on the JARING DDoS Armour, contact onehelp@jaring.my or log in to www.jaring.my.
(吉隆坡19日讯)我国首屈一指的网络供应商JARING 今日宣布推介JARING DDoS Armour,这项全新的 服务主要是确保客户的生意,免于网络DDos(分布式拒绝服务)攻击。
JARING DDoS Armour是一项监督、侦查和自动减少DDoS攻击客户网络的管理服务,这项新服务目前正公开给使用互联网专线、数据中心和OneCloud服务的商用客户。
DDoS 又称分布式拒绝服务,指的是个人或组织所发动的网络攻击,造成网络阻塞和服务器耗尽而拒绝提供服务,促使网络服务暂时中断,或更严重的无法操作。
JARING首席执行员Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Yaacob披露:“JARING DDoS Armour服务,是由JARING有经验的技术团队所管理,无需高档成本,能即时为或成为网络攻击的网络商业和服务提供防御。”
JARING DDos Armour采用混合技术,过滤抵达网络的每个网络包,这个程式能够降低DDos攻击,提供更安全的网络保护。这项技术已被许多通讯公司和全球著名的网页采用。
Nik Abdul Aziz说:“我们呼吁JARING的客户,尤其是金融机构、政府机构和闻名的网页,采用JARING DDoS Armour服务,防御足以造成网络服务瘫痪和金钱和名誉损失的DDos攻击。”
更多有关JARING DDoS Armour的详情,请联络onehelp@jaring.my或浏览www.jaring.my。
Monday, March 19, 2012
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