
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Irish Technology Set to Transform Malaysia’s HR Scene

Kuala Lumpur, May 14, 2012- Regional Human Capital Excellence provider, PowerUpSuccess Group (‘PowerUpSuccess’) today announces that the company had entered into a partnership with Irish HR solution brand Sonru, to deliver its ground-breaking automated online video interview technology for the Malaysian human resources industry.

This partnership was witnessed by the Irish Ambassador to Malaysia and Thailand, His Excellency Declan Kelly.
From left: Michael Garvey, Director of Sonru APAC, Raymond Phoon, Managing Partner of PowerUpSuccess Group, Luke Falvey, CEO of Sonru APAC, His Excellency Declan Kelly, Irish Ambassador to Malaysia and Thailand/Brand Ambassador to Sonru, Jonathan Low, Managing Partner of PowerUpSuccess Group

Raymond Phoon, Managing Partner of PowerUpSuccess Group, unveils the availability of the revolutionary Sonru as the compelling HR recruitment solution for large organizations currently entrenched in the tediously ‘manual’ method of face-to-face interviews for their mass hires.

“As the nation transforms to be a fully developed country, the sourcing of knowledge-workers in the private and public sector has become a major issue today.”

He says that the introduction of Sonru to Malaysia will no doubt reduce the costs and time involved in the candidate screening process for recruiters, especially where thousands of employees are recruited annually by organizations in the Financial Service Industry, Telecommunications, Multinationals and public sector.

“PowerUpSuccess’ partnership with Sonru marks an exciting milestone, as we are the appointed Premium Country Partner and one of the active distributors for Sonru here in Malaysia. It demonstrates that we are constantly on the forefront of innovative technology solutions, especially in this recruitment industry,” says Phoon.

Chief Executive Officer of Sonru Asia Pacific, Luke Falvey says the company is excited to be able to bring their interview technology to Malaysia.

“Sonru is available across North America, Africa, Asia, Australia, the Middle East and many parts of Europe. Introducing Sonru to Malaysia represents a major business opportunity to us as we see great potential here as Malaysia is becoming a regional business hub for many MNCs in ASEAN.”

Internationally, some of Sonru’s prominent clients include Volvo, Arvato Bertelsmann, Apple, CERN, Johnson & Johnson, Bioware, Magnox, Kuehne & Nagel, Allianz, Schroders and Taleo.

His Excellency Kelly says, “Sonru is definitely a national pride, being a successful and proven technological R&D brainchild and export from Ireland. This HR solution is one huge example of how technology is deployed in one of the most needful areas of any leading business – which is in the key HR role in achieving the objective of being able to hire fast and hire well at the same time.”

“I am confident that Malaysian companies will see the huge propositions of Sonru in supporting their HR requirements as well.”

How Sonru Works

The technology within Sonru is designed to unlock and deliver time and cost efficiencies, bypassing the need to schedule for a first round of interpersonal or phone interviews. Sonru's video interviewing solution replicates a real live interview.

Interviewers create and email competence-based interviews to candidates where they record their video responses in their own time and own location.

Interviewers will then review video responses and have the option to add tracked comments or even share videos securely with fellow colleagues.


吉隆坡, 14日讯 - 区域人力资本卓越供应商,PowerUpSuccess集团(“PowerUpSuccess”),今天宣布推出最新的人力资源(HR)招募和资源解决方案予大马市场。

Raymond Phoon,PowerUpSuccess 集团管理合伙及其技术支援Medianetic私人有限公司总监今天表示与其公司与Sonru人力资源解决方案公司结盟,合作为大马人力资源行业提供突破性的自动化在线视频面试科技。 “PowerUpSuccess正式被委任为Sonru在大马的合作伙伴。”

Sonru运作 - 查看,分享,选择

Sonru的视频面试解决方案能复制一个真实的现场面试场景。面试官通过软件创建和发送(通过电子邮件)首次招聘面试的视频予候选人 –此解决方案的优点就是面试管和候选人不需同时在线。候选人将能够在自己的时间和位置通过视频录像回答问题。

该技术旨在除去第一轮面对面或电话面试的安排,并达到减少所需时间和成本效益。 通过Sonru,公司将轻松的接触到任何一个国家的人才, 遴选最佳人选, 并减低招聘的生命周期。

Raymond Phoon表示很荣幸能够成为Sonru创新人力资源招聘科技的大马经销商。 “这项合作是本公司另一个里程碑,因为它展现出了本公司在招聘行业内在创新科技解决方案的先列。”

“当今市场竞争激烈,许多行业如银行,电信公司,跨国公司和政府机构欲在每年招收数千名员工可说是很常见的,” Raymond Phoon。


在相关合作伙伴关系上,Sonru亚太(Asia Pacific)总监,Luke Falvey说,“Sonru的解决方案已经同过经销商方式销售横跨北美,非洲,亚洲,澳洲,中东和欧洲等许多个地方。我们看到大马来西亚的巨大潜力并逐步作为许多商业组织的区域据点。

Sonru的客户就包括沃尔沃(Volvo),Arvato Bertelsmann,苹果(Apple),CERN,强生公司(Johnson & Johnson),BioWare,Magnox, Kuehne & Nagel, 安联(Allianz), 施罗德(Schroders)和 Taleo公司。


在与SONRU引进到此市场,爱尔兰在大马来西亚和泰国的大使阁下Declan Kelly, 也现身为本地区人力资源解决方案的品牌大使。


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