
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sony Tablet keeps evolving with Android 4.0.3

Latest update teams operating system enhancements with unique new features and apps from Sony

Kuala Lumpur, 14 May – Sony Tablet™ is evolving to give you an even speedier, more satisfying multimedia experience.

Available as a free update from 10 May for all Sony Tablet users, the latest Android Version 4.0.3 (also known as Ice Cream Sandwich) brings many new features and operating system enhancements to Sony Tablet S. Alongside a major user interface overhaul, the update includes a number of new Sony-unique apps and functionality.

Android 4.0.3 brings an even more intuitive, consistent feel to the Sony Tablet experience. Now it’s easy to create folders on your Workspace with simple drag and drop gestures. Recently-used apps can be dismissed with a swipe, speeding system performance while increasing battery life. A more responsive browser lets you toggle instantly between desktop- and mobile-optimised web sites. Pages can also be saved for offline reading at leisure when you’re away from a wireless connection.

Unique apps and enhanced features from Sony
On top of all the enhancements provided by Android 4.0.3, unique additions by Sony further personalise your multimedia user experience.

Sony Tablet S users can now directly access and view content stored on a removable full-sized SD card. This makes Sony Tablet an even more attractive choice for viewing photos and video clips shot on a digital camera or camcorder. Just slip your camera’s SD card into Sony Tablet and enjoy on the detail-packed touchscreen or store onto the Sony Tablet.

Frequently used functions are kept in easy reach with a new Sony-unique ‘Small Apps’ update. An ‘always-on-top’ launcher icon gives instant access to Browser, Remote Control (Tablet S only) and Calculator apps while you’re using other tablet functions. It’s a convenient way to check a web site quickly, change TV channels or tot up the week’s shopping bill while you’re in the middle of doing something else.

Android 4.0.3 offers dramatically increased camera and photo solutions. Alongside the new operating system’s enriched editing features, Sony has added a wider choice of Slideshow Templates to maximize your photo viewing enjoyment.

Get entertained with music, movies, eBooks and games
Beautifully styled and easy to carry, Sony Tablet connects you with an exciting world of immersive online entertainment and easy content sharing. Effortlessly browse the web, get apps or download eBooks to enjoy on the big, beautiful, responsive touchscreen.

All Sony Tablet owners will be automatically notified and offered the option to upgrade their operating system to Android Version 4.0.3.

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