
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Ministry making an effort for better cyber safety

Kuala Lumpur--12 June 2012 – EC-Council Academy and the Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU) is proud to present a joint seminar entitled “Cyber Safety and Countermeasures” at the Ministry of Rural and Regional Development today.

There’s a large gap between internet users who are aware of potential cybercrime risks and those who are trained to protect themselves. The seminar’s intention is to close that gap and to encourage safer internet practices.

While simple safety steps and measures might seem irrelevant, it is still regarded as the first level of defense against threats. Cyber security experts often encourage the creation of multi-level security measures and many of the same experts often cite that the weakest link of often the users themselves.

Compromised systems and networks are now major grounds for loss of revenue, reputation and public trust. Cybercrime is clearly on the rise, yet only a few perceive to be at risk of falling for this threat, even fewer are prepared to mitigate the risk.

The seminar will address related issues such as security tools, technologies and threats and its impact to organizations and individuals.

“Cyber safety trainings should as essential as any other skills training – after all, it’s no longer realistic to leave cyber safety measures to the IT managers”, EC-Council Academy managing director Wilson Wong stated.

EC-Council Academy’s Wilson Wong also applauds Ministry of Rural and Regional Development for making the initiative towards increasing cyber safety awareness among their personnel.

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