
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Quality Time Lab launches Apps to bring families together

Quality Time Lab is an innovative Singapore start-up specialized on Familytech, focused on helping families use technology to enhance relationships.

The idea for Quality Time Lab was born in 2007 when the company founders kept their families in touch through video-calls while working from all over the world. Their psychology and technology backgrounds helped them identify common problems and solutions for families using technology. The founders published the book "Family Video-Calls", adapting more than 100 classic games for video-calls.

The project came to life online in 2012 with the launch of Quality Time, an innovative desktop application for Windows and Mac. The application addresses children's short attention spans during video calls. Children get bored, and grandparents also get frustrated.
With the Skype plug-in for Win/Mac, and the Google+ Hangouts app, families can share books, play games and watch videos together. The desktop application provides age-appropriate content and educational tools for video calls, allowing families to share books, games and videos for free without adult ads.

A solution for the pass-back phenomenon
“Dad, can I play with your phone?" The "pass-back effect" is a new phenomenon where parents hand their smart devices to children to keep them entertained. According to a Joan Ganz Cooney Center report, "We noticed it at shopping malls and in coffee shops. What we noticed was children – even very young children – playing on devices that weren’t specifically designed for them,"
Quality Time for iPhone, iPad and Android devices keeps kids safely entertained. All content is age-appropriate, without adult ads or in-app purchases. Meri Rosich, CEO, says, "My kids love it. My 5 year old son learned how to do magic with a cup, and later he showed it to his grandmother on a video call. I was very happy that he had learned a new game while using safe content on the internet with my phone. I would recommend it to anyone with kids."

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