
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Avaya Unveils NewTools for Understanding the Customer Experience and Managing Multichannel Interactions

New speech analytics and data visualization tools provide unique insights tohelp build customer awareness and improve service

Avaya Automated Chat and Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite Multichannel solutions provide integrated Web, social media, SMS, IM and email customer interaction options

Avaya Customer Experience Virtualized Environment delivers market-leading routing, multichannel interaction self-service and reporting capabilities optimized for VMware® environments

Malaysia — Wednesday, March 6, 2013:Avaya today unveiled new, next generationanalytics and customer interaction solutionsthat help harness the power of big data and the growing number of ways that customers want access to companies. New Avaya Customer Experience Management solutions bring powerful new tools for mining and analyzing data, applications for expanding and synchronizing multichannel customer interactionsand deployment options for virtualized environments. The newsolutions help companies improve and streamline the customerexperience through any access point at any moment in the customer lifecycle while increasing efficiency and adaptability in business operations.

The need for multichannel and data analytic capabilities becomes more pronounced as Avaya’s Asia Pacific Customer Experience Index reveals more than 60 percent customers demand multichannel communications, and 41 percent likely to move or have already moved their business as a result of poor customer service.

Avaya’s Customer Experience Managementanalytics and multichannel solutionsempowerorganizations to proactively address the multi-facetedrequirements and expectations of customerstoday. Many current technologieslimit the ability to create an accurate picture – or contextual awareness – of the customer’s experience, their needs and behaviors. The growing number ofcustomer interaction channels generates new challenges to delivering service across channels, yet also provide organizations with more opportunity than ever to extract valuableinsights through smart analytics.

Avaya Customer Experience Management solutions enableenterprises to offer more personalized, seamless interactions that are built on agreater understandingofa customer’s situation, preferences and value.Avaya’s unique solutions help companiesdeliver an exceptional brand experience that grows net promoter scores and ultimately, drivesgreater revenue – now boosted by the following new capabilities:

Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite Multichannellayers multichannel capabilities - including web chat, social media, SMS, IM, and email- ontothe world’s leading, most reliable call center software. Elite Multichannel makes it easier for organizations to add new access channels and manage cross-channel customer experiences. Existing Call Center Elite users can add multichannel with minimal disruption to operations or reporting systems.

Avaya Automated Chat integrates with live chat support to deliver more responsive, personalized online service. Avaya Automated Chat can improve customer satisfaction with faster, more accurate responses delivered through an intelligent response engineand streamline the transition from self-service to live service. Agent resources can be used more effectively and lower the cost of serving customers. An optional feature, Answer Desk, allows non-chat agents to tap the automation engine to quickly get answers for their non-chat customer contacts.
Avaya Speech Analytics integrates the actualvoice of the customer into performance management practices. Avaya Speech Analytics mines voice-based customer interactions to deliver business intelligence that might otherwise be missed in text-based or manual analyses for insights that can drive process improvements, support regulatory compliance and identify new sources of revenue.

Avaya Contact Flow Analyticsenables organizationsto identify and remedy call flow issues through a number of visualization tools, including flow graphs, dashboards and tabular reports. Currently available through Avaya Professional Services, Contact Flow Analytics provides information about the effectiveness and efficiency of routing, agent performance and the overall customer experience.

With the addition of Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel, Avaya now delivers a complete virtualization solution for contact centers. Avaya Customer Experience Virtualized Environmentprovides organizations with Avaya contact center applications such as skills-based routing, multichannel interactions, reporting and self-service capabilities optimized VMware environments. Avaya Customer Experience Virtualized Environment enables companies to simplify and accelerate deployment of sophisticated contact center applications while maintaining world-class functionality and reliability.

To support the growing demands on organizations, Avaya Contact Center Optimizationservicesfrom Avaya Professional Services offers full customer experience management lifecycleconsulting to determine the right solution for any situation. Avaya Contact Center Optimization services draw on the skills of Avaya consultants who are specialists in business strategy, solution road mapping and operational improvement, as well as experts at building and optimizing applications that improve customer experience and integrate into anybusiness and technology environment.

“Call Center Elite Multichannel has allowed our organization to serve customers more efficiently, The ability to blend non-voice and outbound contacts with the traditional voice channel has improved agent productivity and extended our customer service reach.Now, with Avaya Customer Experience Virtualized Environment, we’re also leveraging our existing VMware infrastructure and tools for faster deployment and streamlined management of applications in our data center.”

“Avaya’s ability place speech analytics into context and identify key words and phrases helps us intelligently interpret the findings and turn them into data-driven recommendations for our client. Avaya’s Speech Analytics technology reveals the DNA of the call. It breaks down the call into its different components: the who, the what, the why. Our understanding of the client’s business, coupled with our experience as operators and consultants, allows us to then turn that information into action.”

“Companies today are struggling to keep pace with the changing customer preferences. Customers want convenience,which means being served anytime, anywhere and on any device. Avaya’s customer experience management analytics tools coupled with our multichannel interaction solutions replaces guesswork with certaintyto supportstrategic decisions that enable a more personal, streamlined experience that is integrated across channels throughout the customer’s journey.”

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