
Saturday, June 2, 2007

Nokia N95 Wireless Adventure大賽揭曉

The Nokia N95 Wireless Adventure discovers the soul of Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur – “YOU are the soul of Kuala Lumpur!” That’s the conclusion unanimously reached by all 32 participants at the climatic end of the Nokia N95 Wireless Adventure: Discover the Soul of Kuala Lumpur held last weekend from 26th – 27th May 2007.

Armed with the GPS-enabled Nokia N95, the participants raced throughout the city to discover its soul through tasks and clues that involved a combination of elements including food, music, arts and culture.

Team Orange, led by 8TV’s Step Forward host Dylan Liong and comprising Lee Yoke Loong and siblings Mohd Khalil Al Haqq Bin Mohd Rassali and Ana Nur Hidayah, emerged victorious to win an all expense paid round trip to discover the soul of Rome.

The two-day competition was part of a regional event by Nokia held in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, India, Philippines and Australia, that featured teams of participants racing around their cities in search of the cities soul.

Taking advantage of the new Nokia N95, the competition enabled technology-savvy urban explorers to discover the essence of what makes their local city special and win fabulous prizes for their efforts in the first GPS – enabled race in Asia.

In Malaysia, participants were challenged to complete tasks such as rock climbing at Batu Caves, learning to make ‘roti canai’, and wrapping ‘nasi lemak’. Participants also had to learn to play the traditional music instruments at the National Academy of Arts and tried their hands at Chinese calligraphy at the Chen She Shu Yuen Chinese Association.

Throughout the race, the eight teams were also tasked with capturing their experiences using the Nokia N95, taking advantage of the Nokia N95’s 5 Megapixel camera and DVD-like quality video recording capabilities. At the end of the race, the teams were required to edit a video answering the question “What is the soul of KL?” using stills and footage taken throughout the race.

Team Green, comprising NTV7’s The Breakfast Show host Nazrudin Rahman (Naz), Mohd Ridzwan Md Imam, Alfred Loh and Effa Syafiza, took the prize for “Best Video Editing” to win a trip to discover the soul of Prague.

Step Forward’s Dylan Liong said the event had helped him see Kuala Lumpur in a different light.
“I was totally amazed about how rich and diverse Malaysia is. From rock-climbing and delving into Batu Caves to preparing favourite dishes, I realized that what made Malaysia so unique wasn’t the locations or the food. KL’s soul is you and I, and all the people who live together in harmony,” said Liong.

Team member Ana Nur Hidayah added, “I’ve been staying in KL for years but I’ve discovered so many places and done so many things within these two days in the race that I’ve never done before! We had a great time navigating the city with the Nokia N95. The experience we gained during the adventure was invaluable. I’m very excited about the win and now I’m looking forward to discovering the soul of Rome!”

The Nokia N95 Wireless Adventure is a unique campaign aimed at giving technology savvy urban explorers the rare chance to discover the soul of their local city through the use of the powerful capabilities of the Nokia N95. It is the first Nokia Nseries multimedia computer to leverage a built-in global positioning system (GPS) along with high-speed connectivity to allow consumers to search for and find their way to their selected location.

“We’re very pleased with the conclusion of the Nokia N95 Wireless Adventure. The event was carefully created by Nokia to allow participants to have real world experience with the multimedia functionalities of the Nokia N95, including in-built GPS as well as giving the participants the opportunity to re-discover their cities,” said Andrew Cheong, General Manager, Nokia Malaysia.

“One thing is for certain: we’ve discovered that the soul of the Kuala Lumpur is not just about the food, the culture, or its architecture landmarks – it is about the people. It is you who makes KL, KL. YOU are the soul of the city,” he added.

Catch the Nokia N95 Wireless Adventure on 8TV!

Want to catch the Nokia N95 Wireless Adventure on television? Special televised episodes of the Nokia N95 Wireless Adventure will be aired on 8TV on 20th June, 27th June and 4th July at 9:30 p.m. So, tune in, and join in the thrill of discovering Kuala Lumpur!

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