
Friday, June 27, 2008

Paladin Breaks the Secret of Angels!

“Paladin Breaks the Secret of Angels!”, a new patch version of Moyu “Wings of Paladin” ( is flying to you on 27th of June (Friday) with the appearance of the mighty “Paladin” to be chosen as your character. By possessing a special breed of eudemon called Rui La and a pair of fascinating wings, a Paladin has tremendous abilities, including fly in the world of Moyu. The nine ultimate skills: resurrection, high level resurrection, medium transformation, jump forbidden, ride forbidden, offensive reduction, speed up opponent skill point consumption, reduction of recovery speed and flying skill almost made Paladin an indestructible and immortal character to play. Paladin, a whole new leadership-like character has born into MOYU!

Apart from the new mentioned character, this new patch also contents new weapons and gadgets to elevate gamers’ performance to a whole new level. Furthermore, we will hold a series of online and offline events that will give away a large amount of magic stones (in-game credit) to elevate the attractiveness of MOYU game play. To explore for more fresh and exciting contents, do step into the world of MOYU now!

As an appreciation on the support given by our loyal gamers, GoPlayPlay event team will concurrently appear in Cyber Café of 4 major cities, which are Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Kuching and Johor for a grand gathering. Gamers who attend this event will not only can experience Moyu for free, but will also be rewarded with 270 magic stones. At the same time, a series of sales and promotion activities will be carried out, such as Lucky Draw upon purchase of GoPlayPlay top up card, exchange of virtual items with used GoPlayPlay top up card and many more. Lastly, a limited valued virtual pack with packed contents will be put on sale as well.

For more information, please log onto Moyu official website Do not miss this precious opportunity! Plenty of events, activities, gifts and virtual items are waiting for you to grab!


天使の秘密,異能者破咒!!——萬眾矚目的《魔域》全新資料片《王者之翼》即將於6月27日(星期五)隆重登場。 《王者之翼》最讓人期待的內容莫過於全新職業“異能者”的推出了。強大而華麗的幻獸——異界精靈瑞拉讓異能者擁有一雙美麗的翅膀可以隨意遨遊魔域世界,大幅提高自身的能力。可謂似肋生雙翼,如添臂膀!九大專屬騎士技能:復活術、高級復活術、變形術、禁止跳躍、禁止騎乘、減少傷害、技能消耗加倍、體力回复減慢、飛行技能,讓異能者在擁有強大的攻擊技能的同時,也擁有眾多強大的輔助技能。一個全能的領袖型職業即將誕生在《魔域》!


爲了回饋廣大忠實的玩家,狗貝貝特工隊將於6月27日這一天同一時間在馬來西亞四個主要城市(吉隆坡,檳城,古晉,柔佛)的網咖裏舉辦一場大型聚會。 只要到場支持此次盛會的玩家,不但可以免費玩《魔域》之外,還可以免費得到270個魔石。同時,我們會當場舉辦各式各樣的超值促銷活動,例如買狗貝貝點數卡可以得到幸運抽獎的機會;用狗貝貝點數卡兌換《魔域》虛擬寶物等。除此之外,我們還會當場售賣一個限量版超值“虛擬禮包”,內容豐富。


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