
Friday, May 4, 2012

MyIX Extends Network Connectivity to Peer with Content Providers

The Malaysia Internet Exchange (MyIX) extends its peering network to facilitate direct connectivity of local ISPs with world’s largest Internet content providers

KUALA LUMPUR, May 04, 2012- The operator of Malaysia’s sole neutral Internet Exchange, MyIX – also known as ‘Persatuan Pengendali Internet Malaysia’, today announces the extension of the Exchange’s existing peering network for easy connectivity with leading content providers.
According to MyIX Chairman Chiew Kok Hin, MyIX’s decision to extend the Exchange’s reach is to benefit MyIX members who now can have direct connectivity with some of the leading content providers.

“With this extension our members can have direct connectivity with the world’s leading social media provider and the world’s largest online store,” says Chiew.

He explains that with direct connectivity to these global content providers, MyIX members will have an option to lower their operational costs by bypassing longer and more expensive Internet data traffic routes.

“This extension will allow our member to improve the user experience of their Internet service, thanks to the direct peering with these global content providers via the national Exchange.”
Currently MyIX has 49 members consisting of local ISP and content providers, who leverage the national Internet exchange as ply route for their domestic Internet data.

“With the link extension of MyIX, we expect more members to sign up over the next 12 months as more of them will be able to appreciate the significant cost and performance advantage that the national Exchange provides to their Internet business,” says Chiew.

“Cost savings is the key benefit especially to the smaller members, as a substantial percentage of the internet local traffic is routed via MyIX to reduce their dependency on expensive international bandwidth links. MyIX will continue to play a crucial role in making Malaysia a leading option for the efficient routing of Internet traffic in the ASEAN region.”


大马互联网交换中心(Malaysia Internet Exchange, MyIX)扩展其对等网络,将本地互联网服务商直接连接上世界上最大的互联网内容供应商

吉隆坡,04讯-全马中立互联网交替中心,Malaysia Internet Exchange, MyIX (又被称为“Persatuan Pengendali Internet Malaysia, 大马互联网连接团体),今天宣布为本地互联网服务商推出与国际内容供应商的网络连接扩展。

据MyIX主席周国兴表示,MyIX决定延长其业务范围,是为了让更多MyIX成员可受益, 与一些领先的内容供应商直接连接。


他解释说,MyIX成员将能通过与这些全球性的内容供应商直接连接,并绕过原本较长较昂贵的互联网数据交通路线, 进而降低他们的经营成本, 并改善其互联网服务。

目前, MyIX有49名成员,其中包括本地一些互联网服务和内容供应商,运用国家互联网交替中心,作为其在国内的互联网数据层路由。


“节约成本是其关键好处,尤其是对于规模较小的成员,作为一个本地互联网流量相当大的比例是通过MyIX路由,以减少对昂贵的国际宽带的依赖。 MyIX将继续发挥了其至关重要的角色,让大马成为在东盟地区领先的互联网交通效率路由选项。”

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