
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Revolutionizing the Real Estate Industry with Cutting Edge Mobile & Technology

Real Estate Profession Gets a Boost with the Country’s First Asia Mobile & Technology Real Estate Conference (AMTREC) 2013. The Only Real Estate Conference with a Tech Edge

Kuala Lumpur, 29 May 2013 – Be it online or mobile, new technology trends are reshaping the dynamics of the real estate industry landscape – creating new opportunities for real estate professionals and revolutionising the way they work.

On June 8-9, real estate professionals will get the unique opportunity to discover the future of this “brave new world” at AMTREC or the Asia Mobile & Technology Real Estate Conference 2013 (AMTREC).
Dubbed the real estate conference for the future, AMTREC with its unique technological focus offers a different experience and perspective for the real estate professional.

Steve Melhuish, Group CEO of PropertyGuru with Gerard Kho (R), Country Manager, PropertyGuru Malaysia.

The two-day event to be held at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, will feature some of the biggest and most respected names in the technology, mobile and real estate fields.

They include William Woo, Industry Head for Property at Google Singapore (formerly APAC Sales Director for Yahoo! Mobile), Timothy Hor, CEO of Reapfield Academy – Reapfeild Group and former General Manager of, Tom Hogg from SEA’s leading digital measurement specliast, Effective Measure, Milan Doshi, millionaire property investor and best-selling author, Lisa Rehak, user experience research consultant, who has worked on complex healthcare, online, solar, and military systems for users, Louis Bernard, mobile evangelist and Product Manager for mobile at, renowned internet business coach Pam Siow and award-winning realtor and motivational speaker, Kenny Tan and others.

Topics to be covered by these industry experts include: “Conveyancing Online – A Dream Too Far” (By legal eagle, Chris Tan), “Innovation, Mobile and the new Consumer Journey” (William Woo), “Redefining Property Project Marketing – an Integrated Approach” (Timothy Hor), “Top 3 Tech Trends for Millionaire Real Estate Agents” (Pam Siow), “How Consumers Use Technology to Property Hunt” (Lisa Rehak), “Mobile: Your Job Got Easier, and Awesome” (Louis Bernard) and “The Digital Landscape in Malaysia, Are Your Target Audience Online?” (Tom Hogg) and many more.
In essence, AMTREC is to be one of the year’s top real estate events in the country and Asia. Its comprehensive content will cover almost everything and anything related to the real estate profession and related technologies.

From online property listings, leveraging on mobile social media to build networks and online videos to reach a wider market, the future of real estate, these and more are expected to be featured widely at AMTREC.
“This is the aim of AMTREC – to showcase the possibilities that technology, be it online or mobile offers the real estate professional and how they can improve their service offering, stay competitive and capitalise on the opportunities available. It is a first for Malaysia and I believe, the region,” Gerard Kho, Country Manager of

“By embracing these technological trends, real estate professionals can create their own strategy – using conventional and new mediums to be more effective in today’s fast-paced and direct to consumer marketplace. If the future for real estate is bright, then the future for industry professionals is even brighter,” added Kho.

Echoing Kho’s sentiments was Steve Melhuish, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of PropertyGuru Group, who added that the inaugural AMTREC is a combination of the best elements of people, place and progress.

“We’re bringing in some of the best speakers to share their insights and experiences and it is happening right here in Malaysia. For us at PropertyGuru, it is to set a benchmark in providing first hand mobile and technology industry information for industry professionals; to play our part in helping Malaysia progress,” shared Melhuish.

Real estate professionals are encouraged to register quickly as places for AMTREC are limited. To register, go to or call: +603-2279 7555.

2013年亚洲流动与科技房地产研讨会(AMTREC), 全国首个唯一以高科技为重点的房地产研讨会让房地产专业人士更上一层楼




这个即将在吉隆坡文华东方酒店(Mandarin Oriental Hotel)举办的两天活动,将邀请科技、流动与房地产业最负盛名与备受尊崇的主讲人。

他们包括新加坡谷歌的房地产业经理William Woo(曾出任Yahoo! Mobile亚太销售主任)、
Reapfeild 集团旗下Reapfield学院的首席执行员与iProperty.com前总经理何雄赞(Timothy Hor)、来自东南亚领先数码测量专家Effective Measure的汤姆霍格(Tom Hogg)、 百万房地产业投资专家及畅销书作家米兰多希(Milan Doshi)、 曾在复杂的医疗保健、互联网、太阳能与军事用户系统服务过的用户体验研究顾问丽莎(Lisa Rehak)、流动科技倡导者与
PropertyGuru.com流动产品经理路易斯伯纳德(Louis Bernard)、著名网上业务讲师萧圆缘
(Pam Siow)、获奖房地产经纪与激励讲师陈进光 (Kenny Tan) 等等。

这些专家将主讲的主题包括“网上房产买卖--遥远的梦想” (陈佐彬律师Chris Tan)、“创新、流动科技与消费者的新旅程”(William Woo)、“重新定义房地产项目营销:一个综合方式” (何雄赞Timothy Hor)、“百万房地产经纪的首3个科技趋势” (萧圆缘Pam Siow)、  “消费者如何使用科技寻找房地产”(丽莎)、“流动科技:你的工作变得更容易更精彩” (路易斯伯纳德),以及“马来西亚的数码面貌,你的目标群众是否在网上?”(汤姆霍格)等等。


AMTREC预料将探讨广泛的房地产课题,包括网上房地产广告、利用流动社交媒体来建立网络,通过网上视频接触更大的市场、未来的房地产业,以及其他层面。国家经理许毅 (Gerard Kho) 表示,“这是AMTREC的目的,展示科技如何为房地产专业人士带来更多的可能性,无论是网上或流动科技,以及他们可以如何改善服务产品,保持竞争力与把握机会。它在马来西亚是首开先河,我相信也是本区域的头一遭。”


许毅的观点获得PropertyGuru集团联合创办人兼首席执行员史蒂夫(Steve Melhuish)的认同,


请房地产专业人士赶快报名,因为AMTREC的名额有限,欲报名者请浏览或致电+603-2279 7555。

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