
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Industry Analyst Report Demonstrates NetApp Networked Storage Market Success

Malaysia— June 17, 2008 — NetApp (NASDAQ: NTAP) announced today that it gained share in the networked storage market (which includes FC SAN, NAS, and iSCSI) in Q1 2008 in both revenue and capacity shipped, as reported in IDC’s Worldwide Quarterly Disk Storage Systems Tracker Q1 20081. Sequentially, NetApp grew networked storage revenue faster than any of the top five vendors. NetApp also gained revenue and capacity share in each of the markets in which it plays.

According to IDC, NetApp share gains moved the company from the fourth position in the networked storage market to tying for the number-two slot, growing to a 12.0% share in Q1 2008, up from a 10.1% share in Q4 2007. NetApp also gained capacity share in networked storage, growing 2.5%, from 17.2% to 19.7%, in the same period.

NetApp outpaced FC SAN market growth in Q1 2008, sequentially gaining share in both revenue and capacity shipped while both the market and the market leader declined. NetApp also demonstrated continued leadership in the NAS and iSCSI storage markets in Q1 2008 by maintaining the number-one market share position in capacity shipped for NAS (40.0%) and iSCSI (24.6%).

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