
Thursday, September 11, 2008

DiGi offers free PA coverage through SMS activation

SHAH ALAM, 11 September 2008: DiGi.Com Berhad ("DiGi") is the industry'sfirst to allow subscribers to activate free Personal Accident (PA) insurancevia their mobile phones in line with its commitment to deliver simple andcreative services to its customers.

Accordingly, DiGi announced that its subscribers with over three monthstenure will be given free RM10,000 PA coverage insured by AIG GeneralInsurance (Malaysia) Berhad. The service will be made available via easy SMSactivation minus the hassle of complicated forms and need to deal withagents.

Johan Dennelind, chief executive officer of DiGi said: "This latest offeringallows us to raise the bar on user experience by actively engaging andadding value where it means most to our subscribers. Realizing the lowpercentage of insured Malaysians, we took the opportunity to draw relevantsynergies with a reputable partner to make insurance coverage easy andaccessible to subscribers who normally would not get insured via traditionalchannels."

He further explains: "Leveraging on our reach and ubiquitous use of mobilephones enable us to be a conduit that bridges subscribers and the insurer.DiGi is pleased to innovate beyond telecommunications particularly intraditionally-bound industries such as insurance to create a new way forpeople to get insured.

"The free PA coverage will be underwritten by our reputable provider, AIGGeneral Insurance, who will also be offering customer support on thisproduct and claims," added Dennelind.

Brad Bennett, chief executive officer of AIG General Insurance commentedthat: "This relationship has redefined the market reach of insurance inMalaysia where market penetration is still low especially in the PA &Healthcare insurance sector. Not only has DiGi added value to theirsubscribers by providing PA insurance through AIG General Insurance, butthey have also created a new frontier for distribution of insuranceproducts."

The PA insurance covers: Sum Insured (RM)
Accidental Death 10,000.00
Permanent Disablement due to accident: 10,000.00?
*Permanent and incurable paralysis of all limbs
#Permanent loss of sight for one or both eyes
#Loss of two limbs or permanent loss of use of two limbs
#Loss of one limb or permanent loss of use of one limb
#Permanent loss of speech and/or hearing
Funeral Expenses (due to Accidental Death) 500.00

The insured will be provided with:
#24 hours worldwide coverage against Accidental Death & PermanentDisablement
# A lump sum payment to help family of the insured get back on their feet inthe event that the insured passes away
# A lump sum payment to help the insured continue his/her lifestyle ifhe/she is unable to carry out normal day-to-day activities withoutassistance
# Payment to the Insured's beneficiary i.e. next of kin of the insuredindividual. No nomination of beneficiary is required.

DiGi subscribers with a service tenure of more than three months regardlessofoccupation, age or nationality are eligible for the free PA. They will bereceiving an SMS invitation that reads:(English) DiGi offers you Free personal accident (PA) insurance worth RM10,000. Get your PA now! SMS "INS YES" to 2000. For more info,

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