
Thursday, September 11, 2008

TippingPoint Introduces ThreatLinQ Global Security Intelligence Portal

Portal Provides Real-Time Threat Data to Optimize Intrusion Prevention System Protection

MALAYSIA – September 11, 2008 – TippingPoint, a leader in intrusion prevention and the provider of the IPS-Secured Network, today announced the availability of ThreatLinQ, a real-time, global security intelligence portal that enables customers to assess the evolving threat landscape and prescribe specific intrusion prevention system (IPS) policy changes. ThreatLinQ gives organizations the ability to proactively optimize their network security and reduce unnecessary business risks.

Today’s cyber-threat environment is increasingly severe, compounded by the emergence of new types of attacks, the shrinking time between vulnerability discovery and exploit development, and the dissolving network perimeter. With the TippingPoint® IPS, organizations can protect their networks from malicious attacks and vulnerabilities at the perimeter and inside the network core to provide protection for critical Web infrastructure and key assets in the data center. With the addition of ThreatLinQ intelligence, TippingPoint customers can quickly assess real-time threat and IPS filter data and designate security policy changes as needed across their TippingPoint IPS deployments throughout the network.

“Most organizations aren’t equipped to monitor the changing threats in the wild, analyze the data and revise security policies in a timely manner,” said Sugiarto Koh, Regional Sales Director, ASEAN Region, TippingPoint. “ThreatLinQ gives our customers the ability to anticipate threats and adjust their IPS policies based on their network security requirements.”

Real-Time Threat Intelligence
TippingPoint gathers rich information on malicious threats and attacks through a worldwide network of “lighthouse” installations in collaboration with numerous TippingPoint customers. With the threat information, TippingPoint is able to monitor the current state of the global threat landscape and analyze recent changes for new and evolving threats.

In addition, ThreatLinQ gives organizations the ability to drill down to view local threats by country and identify additional threat details for each monitored attack type. “We’ve found that many attacks are specific to certain parts of the world,” said Rohit Dhamankar, director of security research for TippingPoint. “By providing detailed information on the attack source and destination, our customers can make the most informed decision on their IPS filter policies.”

Comprehensive IPS Filter Data
ThreatLinQ provides detailed information for all TippingPoint IPS filter categories and recommended settings. Customers can determine the correlation between specific attack sources and IPS protection filters. Furthermore, organizations can assess IPS filter usage statistics based on information collected from participating TippingPoint “lighthouse” installations and compare them against their existing filter settings.

“ThreatLinQ provides us valuable intelligence about the threat landscape,” said Justin Hall, security architect for Cincinnati Bell Technology Solutions. “It shows how the IPS filters we depend on are used by our peers and colleagues to protect their data.”

Optimize IPS Network Security Protection
With three easy steps, ThreatLinQ helps organizations make proactive changes to their IPS protection profiles based on understanding the changing threat landscape and improved IPS filter intelligence. First, customers can review the threat landscape data, compare the top threats to their IPS filter profile(s) and narrow the threat areas that require further evaluation.

Customers can make security policy changes by directly mapping any security gaps to individual IPS protection filters and then analyze the IPS filter information for the filters needed to protect against new attacks. This real-time information provides security administrators with the most complete information available in the proactive security policy change process.

Easy to Use Interface
ThreatLinQ’s user interface allows IT administrators to easily navigate the threat landscape, top global and local attacks and IPS filter intelligence data. Potential security breaches can be quickly identified and proactive decisions can be made on IPS policy security profiles within minutes.

“The presentation of ThreatLinQ and its content is excellent,” said David Neild, network development service leader for The University of Leeds. “The user interface is simple and easy to navigate.”

A beta version of ThreatLinQ is available to current TippingPoint customers through TippingPoint’s Threat Management Center (TMC). For more information on ThreatLinQ, visit

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