
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

ObTech to Implement SAP Business One for Dragon-i to Improve Management of Restaurants

Kuala Lumpur, September 9, 2008 – ObTech Asia Pacific Sdn Bhd has been awarded a RM500,000 contract by Dragon-i Restaurant Sdn Bhd (Dragon-i) to implement the SAP Business One solution in their growing chain of Shanghainese and Hong Kong restaurants. When the system goes live in 2009, Dragon-i will be able to better control their purchases, track usage of ingredients and control costs more effectively.

The implementation, which will be have its node at Dragon-i’s head office in Petaling Jaya, will involve all ten (10) Dragon-i & Canton-i restaurants in Malaysia; nine (9) of the restaurants are located in the Klang Valley while one (1) is in Penang. Upon completion, all outlets’ transactions can connect-in simultaneously via the Portal.

Speaking to reporters after the signing ceremony at Dragon-i’s flagship outlet in Pavilion Kuala Lumpur, Mr. Michael Lim, Group Chief Operation Officer of ObTech Asia Pacific said, “Having implemented various customized ERP solutions for the manufacturing sector and other SMEs, we have seen how other verticals have benefited from such systems. We are delighted that such a forward-looking F&B chain is partnering ObTech in taking this bold step in turning towards IT to improve their business and fast track growth.”

“We are confident that SAP Business One will deliver results for Dragon-i and improve business productivity of Dragon-i throughout its entire operations,” Lim added.

The SAP Business One solution provided by ObTech will give Dragon-i management a unified view of operations across sales, finance, purchasing, and inventory in all their operational outlets. Inter-company transactions will be captured immediately, document flows will be seamless while payments will be centralized when the solution is fully implemented by end December 2008. The centralized purchasing and payment system will enable management to monitor and control purchase orders and costs with just one click, in real time.

“In the fast-paced F&B industry, down-time can be very costly. ObTech has demonstrated that this software is an overall solution that is easy-to-use, fast and highly efficient. With minimum training, Dragon-i staff throughout our chain of 10 restaurants can manage the system easily,” said Mr. Henry Yip, CEO of Dragon-i Restaurant Sdn Bhd.

“Dragon-i aims to be the best restaurant operator on the F&B industry by maintaining the highest quality in food and service with passion, commitment and creativity. To achieve this, we need a partner who understands us and who is able to provide us with solutions that are scalable and can grow with us as we expand. We wanted a solution that will improve workflow and ease the work of our staff. Of the four companies who tendered for this, we found ObTech’s proposed solution to suit our business and infrastructure of our chain outlets, the best.”

“With the SAP Business One solution, we are able to keep a close record of supplies purchase, do bulk orders, track ingredients-to-dishes output ratio and identify wastage or weakness in the process chain. A strong backoffice such as the one provided by SAP Business One will give us better overall cost control and we can order ingredients in a timely manner at the right quantity. What this means to our customers is that the ingredients used to prepare the food are fresher while prices are still maintained. I believe this is important to consumers today as the price of everything is escalating but we are maintaining our standards and prices,” Yip said.

“The success of Dragon-i is based on the simple business philosophy of ‘quality and consistency at the right price.

“We pioneered the concept of authentic yet affordable cuisine from regions of China and intend to keep this promise to our customers.

“We believe that instead of the easy way out of passing on costs to our customers, increasing our efficiency and productivity to new levels is the best way to mitigate the effects of inflation.

In doing so, not only are we able to continue offering the best value to our customers in terms of the quality and consistency of our food and service, we are improving ourselves to compete not just locally but in the international arena as well,” Yip added.

The SAP Business One solution integrates seamlessly into existing office systems and can be easily adapted to Microsoft Office products such as Word, Excel and Outlook, lowering total cost of ownership.

The solution is powered by the SAP system on the IBM hardware.

ObTech为Dragon-i采用SAP Business One 以提升餐馆管理

吉隆坡,2008年9月9日 – ObTech Asia Pacific Sdn Bhd (ObTech)获得由Dragon-i Restaurant Sdn Bhd (Dragon-i)授于价值50万令吉的合约,为后者积极扩展的上海及广东式连锁餐馆设立SAP Business One 方案。这项系统将在2009年正式启用,届时Dragon-i将能够更有效地控制采购和食材使用纪录,而且更有效率地控制成本。

这项实施将在Dragon-i 位于八打灵再也的总公司展开,并涵盖所有10间位于大马的Dragon-i及Canton-i餐馆。这些餐馆其中有9间位于巴生谷;1间位于槟城。一旦完成安装以后,所有商店的交易将同时通过网络连接。

在Dragon-i位于吉隆坡Pavilion的旗舰商店举行的签约仪式上,ObTech Asia Pacific首席营运员Michael Lim先生说:“我们为制造业及其他中小型企业度身定做个别的ERP方案,现在更看到其他领域从这套系统受惠。我们非常高兴,这家有远见的饮食连锁与ObTech 携手合作,以向资讯科技迈进,提升业务及快速成长。”

“我们有信心SAP Business One将为Dragon-i带来成效,并提升Dragon-i现有业务的生产率。” Lim补充。

由ObTech提供的SAP Business One方案将让Dragon-i的管理层能够取得所有营运商店从销售、采购到存货等等的整体资讯。当这项系统在2008年12月杪执行后,公司之间的交易将马上记录在案;文件流更是天衣无缝,而付款也将获得统一。只需按一个键,管理层就能在中央化的采购及付款系统上即时监管及控制采购订单及成本。

“饮食业一日千里,任何故障都会提高成本。ObTech示范了这项软体,整体而言,这项方案非常容易使用、快速和高效率。只需要少许的培训,Dragon-i的10间餐馆职员就能轻易地掌握这项系统。” Dragon-i Restaurant Sdn Bhd首席执行员Henry Yip先生说。


“有了SAP Business One方案,我们能够保留已供应的采购纪录、进行大宗订购、翻查食材到食物的生产比例,并识别程序连锁中的损耗或缺点。SAP Business One提供的强稳干部让我们更有效控制整体成本,我们也能够定时订购正确数量的食材。最终,我们不但能为客户准备更新鲜的食材,而且维持同样价格。我相信这对时下消费者而言非常重要,尤其目前百物价高涨,惟我们仍维持水准及价格。” Yip说。




对此,我们不仅能够持续为客户提供最好的素质及食物与服务的连贯性,也因此自我提升了不但在本地且在国际市场上的竞争。” Yip补充。

SAP Business One方案天衣无缝地整合目前的办公系统,轻易采用於Microsoft Office的产品,如Word、 Excel及Outlook,减低拥有这些软体的整体成本。


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