
Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Kuala Lumpur,  August  14, 2013  – Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad (PAMB) has made another stride towards enhancing its customers’ experience recently by introducing the iPad application for its investment-linked option benefit, Early Crisis Protector (ECP).

The ECP iPad application, said to be the first-of-its-kind in the industry will allow Prudential’s agents to provide prospective customers with a comprehensive, vivid yet interactive presentation to ensure that their customers have a complete understanding of the coverage provided under the ECP rider.

“We have always been a firm believer of technology as an enabler to help us improve the way we conduct our business, interact and respond to our customers. With the ECP iPad application, our prospective customers will have an increased understanding of the product. This in turn will help them to make well informed decisions in line with BNM’s guideline on “Fair Treatment of Consumers” which requires customers to have a practical understanding of the key features, terms, conditions and risks associated with a product,” said Philip Seah, Chief Executive Officer of PAMB on the launch of the new iPad application for its agency force.

With the flick of a finger, prospective customers will be able to learn about the different gender specific illnesses, get an interactive view of the anatomy which they can point to a specific organ to view possible health challenges affecting the organ, find out the severity of the illness as well as the treatments available and cost involved.
The ECP rider made its debut last year as part of Prudential’s ongoing effort in providing consumers with a suite of innovative solutions that are relevant to their needs. It allows customers to seek treatment for a wide range of early stage critical illnesses such as early stage cancer, loss of sight of one eye and insertion of pacemaker as early protection is key to saving lives. It is available to customers aged 19 to 70 next birthday and attachable to new business of PRUlink one, PRUlife ready and PRUmy child.

*Source: Neonatal Jaundice and Phototherapy (2013). Bluelite (Bluelite, 2013)


(吉隆坡 14 日讯)马来西亚保诚保险有限公司(保诚保险)日前再为增强客户体验而推出新举措,首开先河以新的 iPad 应用程序来解说投联保险计划的附加保障项目“Early Crisis Protector (ECP)”。

这项 ECP 的 iPad 应用程序,被视为保险业界的首创举措,将能让保诚保险的代理向潜在客户提供全面性、生动、交互的产品汇报,确保客户完全了解 ECP 附约所提供的保障范围。

“我们一直都是科技的忠实拥趸,始终坚信科技能助我们改进业务运作、与客互动、回应需求的方式。有了这项 ECP 的 iPad 应用程序,我们将能提高潜在客户对产品的了解程度。这不单有助于他们做出明智的决定,而且也符合了国家银行要求客户实际了解产品的主要特点、条款、条件及相关风险的“公平待客”指导方针。”保诚保险首席执行员佘清泉在推介全新的 iPad 应用程序时这么说道。


ECP 附约已于去年推介,是保诚保险致力满足客户需求的一系列创新方案之一。鉴于获得及早的就医保障是挽救生命的关键做法,这份附约容许客户在初期癌症、单眼失明、植入心脏起搏器等各种初期危疾发生时寻求治疗。凡下个生日年龄介于 19 至 70 岁的人士在购买 PRUlink one、PRUlife ready 或 PRUmy child时,皆可选择附加此份保障。

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