
Saturday, November 10, 2012


2012 年 11 月 9 日吉隆坡讯:“开启、扫描、行动!”吉隆坡会议中心(隆会议中心)副总经理艾伦•普莱尔(Alan Pryor)在隆会议中心的手机应用程式(手机app)最近“上线”之后,兴高采烈地这么说。





Friday, November 9, 2012

Acer Malaysia Unveils the Next Generation of Computing and User Experience

A whole range of Windows® 8-ready products built to create a world of explorers through transformational user experiences
Highly anticipated ultra-light, sleek and remarkable Acer Aspire S7 help bridge the gap between human and computers

KUALA LUMPUR, 8 November 2012 - Acer Malaysia today unveiled the next generation of computing with a complete range of products running on Windows® 8, led by the highly anticipated Acer Aspire S7 – Acer’s thinnest, lightest touch Ultrabook, together with the ICONIA W Series tablets and Aspire U Series All-in-One (AIO).

The launch today offers the most comprehensive suite of touch devices in forms and sizes that will provide modern day explorers with transformational user experiences and options to fit different needs.

Presenting the Acer Aspire S7_Thinnest, Lightest Touch Ultrabook.

“Acer Malaysia is thrilled to announce the arrival of the highly anticipated Acer Aspire S7 in Malaysia,” said Ricky Tan, General Manager of Acer Sales & Services Sdn. Bhd. “Since making its debut earlier this year at Computex 2012 in Taipei, the Acer Aspire S7 has been making headlines worldwide as the thinnest touch-enabled Ultrabook. At Acer, we are dedicated to explore beyond limits in design and development of new devices to provide a greater and more satisfying new generation computing options for our modern day explorers.”

“We have been working closely with our partners, Microsoft and Intel, to create products that empower optimal computing and user experience in a single device suitable for both content creation and consumption. As a result, we are proud to present all the new products today that will run seamlessly with Windows® 8 on Intel’s technology to bring computing experience to a whole new level.”
(L-R) David Lee, Carynne Ooi and Ricky Tan

Speaking at the launch, Amrita Sapre, Windows Product Group Manager of Microsoft Malaysia said, “Windows 8 has been reimagined to bring consumers a no-compromise, immersive and deeply personalized experience. This truly comes to life in the partnership between Microsoft and Acer, with the launch of their devices today. Acer remains a valued partner to Microsoft as we transform lives through the power of computing technology.”

“Our life experiences are defined by our senses - by what we see, hear and touch. These human senses are also at the foundation of Intel's vision for the Ultrabook to deliver a no-compromise, must-have computing experience and we congratulate Acer on the launch of its new touch enabled product range,” said Prakash Mallya, Country Manager of Intel Malaysia.  “Combined with the increased responsiveness of Intel’s 3rd generation Core processor with the new Windows® 8 operating system, the new Acer range of products will provide great computing experience for users.”
The Acer Aspire S7 series of Ultrabook is available in two sizes: 13.3-inch and 11.6-inch. Both feature full HD (1920 x 1080) touch screens with electroluminescent backlit keyboard that offer a gentler glow than LED backlit keyboard, automatically activating and adjusting its brightness based on ambient lighting. The Acer Twin Air cooling system (pending patent) extends the battery life and keeps the S7 comfortable to use.

One of the most striking design elements of the 13.3-inch Aspire S7 is the white scratch-resistant Gorilla® Glass 2 structure. The Gorilla Glass structure enables a mere 11.9mm thickness with the strength to handle the impact of daily use. This Aspire S7 model also features a dual torque hinge on the lid to create the ideal amount of resistance for touch control. Its touch-enabled screen can be laid back flat at 180 degrees and the image orientation reverses for easy touch-and-show sharing.
The 10.1-inch Acer ICONIA Tab W510 offers tri-mode usability: “touch, type and view”, allowing content creation and consumption in a tablet, in both productivity and presentation mode. It can be connected to a detachable keyboard when typing is preferred with full travel keys for content creation (productivity mode) and can be turned 295 degrees for presentation or video viewing (presentation mode). The W510 can last from 9 to 18 hours when connected to the detachable keyboard docking as the second battery.

The 11.6-inch Acer ICONIA Tab W700 cradle combo is the only Intel Core™ tablet in the market, putting incredible power, true full HD and instant productivity at users’ fingertips. The 10-point touch control, ultra-responsive and powerful tablet is flexible thanks to the multi-position dock that allows it to be positioned perfectly for landscape or portrait mode for easy browsing, sharing, control and keyboard productivity.
The 27-inch new Acer Aspire 7600U All-in-one (AIO) is of minimalist design running on Windows® 8 and is powered by the 3rd Generation Intel Core processor. The 1920 x 1080 screen supports up to 10-point simultaneous touch which enables multiple users at one-go. It can be viewed at an angle from 0 to 90 degrees and swivels at four sides when it is flat on the table.

The ergonomic edge-to-edge touch designed Acer Aspire 5600U AIO is the slimmest 23-inch PC and can be tilted from 30 to 80 degrees. The full HD (1920 x 1080) screen display offers interactive hand gesture feature to play, control or select.  
In conjunction with this exciting launch, Acer is pleased to announce its collaboration with Sunway Group through the Sunway Lifestyle app (downloadable from Windows Store) to run a contest especially for Acer customers. All Acer customers who purchase any new Acer Windows® 8 product and download the app between 26 October 2012 to 31 January 2013 will receive a Sunway Pyramid Privilege Card, Pyramid Ice discount voucher, 30% discount for “Beauty and the Beast” musical, 30% discount for Sunway Lagoon tickets and be eligible for the weekly and monthly lucky draw. The monthly winners will receive four Sunway Lagoon All-Park adult tickets worth RM400, one 2D1N stay at Pyramid Tower Hotel worth RM500 and one Acer Aspire W510 worth RM1699.

All Acer products presented today are now available at major Authorized Acer Resellers nationwide. For more information, please visit or call Acer Product Infoline at 1800-88-1288 (9am - 6pm, Mondays to Fridays).

大马宏碁(Acer Malaysia)推介新一代革命性体验触控电脑

一个采用Windows® 8的完整产品系列通过革命性的用户体验创造一个探险家的世界
备受瞩目的超轻、亮眼且非凡的Acer Aspire S7拉近人类与电脑之间的差距

吉隆坡,2012年11月8日 - 大马宏碁(Acer Malaysia)今日推介一系列完整采用Windows® 8作业系统的新一代电脑,以备受瞩目的Acer Aspire S7最薄、最轻触的超薄笔记本为先锋外,这一系列电脑还有ICONIA W系列的平板电脑及Aspire U系列的一体成型(All-in-One)电脑。

“大马宏碁很高兴地宣布,万众期盼的Acer Aspire S7终于在大马推出。” Acer Sales & Services Sdn. Bhd.总经理陈重瑞说。“自从在2012台北的国际电脑展览会首次露面后,Acer Aspire S7以最薄的触控荧幕超薄笔记本而成了世界各地的头条新闻。在宏碁,我们专注于在设计上超越极限的探索及配备上的进展,以为我们的使用者提供一个更好且拥有满足感的新世代电脑系列。”

“我们与微软及英特尔密切合作来创造最顶级电脑及用户体验的单项产品,适合于内容创建和享用。如今,我们很荣幸地在此推介这一系列的产品,结合了Window® 8和英特尔的科技,把使用电脑的体验带到一个全新的水平。”

大马微软Windows产品集团总经理Amrita Sapre 在推介礼上说:“Windows 8已重新构想为消费者带来一个不一样、亲临其境且深刻个性化的体验。微软和宏碁之间的合作也随着今天的推介礼而获得实践。宏基碁是微软重要的伙伴,因为我们都是通过电脑科技的力量来提升生活水平。”
“在生活中,我们都以我们的感官,即所看、所听和触摸中而做出定义,这些人类的感官也是对英特尔在制造超薄笔记本有所的愿景、势必拥有电脑体验为基础。我们恭贺宏碁推介这一些列的触控产品。” 大马英特尔销售与市场区域经理Prakash Mallya说。“新系列的宏碁产品结合了在感应上已经获得提升的英特尔第三代Intel Core处理器及新的微软Windows® 8结合,势必可以为用户们提供一个极好的体验。”

Acer Aspire S7系列的超薄笔记本备有两种尺寸:即13.3寸及11.6寸。两种尺寸皆有全高(1920x1080)触控式荧幕及电激发光键盘,它提供了较LED背光键盘较温和的亮度,可以自动启动且能智慧感应环境光并调节亮度。宏碁的Twin Air双涡流散热系统(尚在申请专利)让电池的寿命更长,并使用户能更舒适地使用S7。

其中最引人注目的设计元素是,13.3寸的Aspire S7那白色的抗刮Gorilla® Glass 2结构。Gorilla Glass结构的它只有11.9毫米的厚度,但却强韧得足以应付每日使用带来的撞击。此款Aspire S7也具有在机盖上的双转矩铰链特色,让它足以抵抗得住触摸操控的扭矩。其触控荧幕的开启角度达180度,图像的方向翻转也易于触碰、显示和分享。

10.1寸的Acer ICONIA Tab W510提供了三重模式可用性,允许生产或演示模式进行内容创建和享用的平板电脑。当需要打字时,它可以与可拆除键盘连接来进行内容创建(生产模式),也可以295度转动来进行文稿演示或视频观看(演示模式)。当与备有额外电池的可拆除键盘连接时,W510可以维持9至18小时。

11.6寸的Acer ICONIA Tab W700是市场上唯一的Intel Core™平板电脑,仅在用户的指尖之间带来了不可思议的能力,真正的全高清及即时生产力。此10点触摸控制、反应超快及强大的平板电脑可以伸缩自如是因为其多位置支架,让它不管是为了易于浏览、分享、控制或键盘生产力而作出横向或纵向模式时都能够完美地放置。

新的27寸Acer Aspire 7600U是采用Windows® 8作业系统及第三代Intel Core处理器的简约设计一体成型(AIO)电脑。其1920x1080分辨率的荧幕支援高达10点触控,因而允许多名用户在同一时间使用。当它在桌面上平躺时,其观看角度从0至90度,并可作四面旋转。

符合人体工程学设计的边到边触控设计的Acer Aspire 5600U一体成型电脑是最纤薄的23寸个人电脑,并可作30至80度旋转。全高清(1920x1080)荧幕分辨率提供了互动性的手势功能来进行运作、控制或选择。

配合此振奋人心的推介,宏碁也和双威集团合作,通过Sunway Lifestyle应用程序(用户可在Windows Store下载)特别为宏基客户带来一项竞赛。所有在2012年10月26日至2013年1月31日购买以Windows® 8 作业系统操作的任何Acer新产品(超薄笔记本/上网本/平版电脑/桌面电脑),客户将获得一张双威金字塔优惠卡、溜冰场优惠券、30%的双威水上乐园“美女与野兽”音乐剧门票折扣、30%的双威水上乐园门票折扣,且得以参加每周及每月竞赛的抽奖。每月的得奖者将将得到四张双威水上乐园价值400令吉的成人门票;价值500令吉的两天一夜金字塔酒店住宿及价值高达1699令吉的Acer Aspire W510。

所有今日推介的Acer产品即日起在全国各地的宏碁授权经销商开始销售。欲知详情,请浏览或致电于Acer Product Infoline ,号码是1800-88-1288(周一至周五,早上9时至下午6时)。

New Fujitsu Enterprise Devices For Windows 8: Touch Functionality for Every Workplace

Kuala Lumpur, November 08, 2012 – Fujitsu, the No.1 (1) Global Windows-based Tablet PC Vendor (2011 by units shipment), has today launched its first wave of enterprise devices for Windows 8.

*Source: IDC Worldwide Quarterly PC Tracker Q2 2012, Tablet PC includes Microsoft Windows based Tablets and excludes Media Tablets such as the Apple iPad and Android-based Tablets.

The wide selection consists of Fujitsu’s quality convertible tablet PC LIFEBOOK T902, 10.1-inch tablet STYLISTIC Q572 and 13.3-inch technology flagship LIFEBOOK SH782. The previously introduced hybrid tablet STYLISTIC Q702 now comes with the new operating system and the convertible tablet PC LIFEBOOK T732 with Windows 8, and shall be available from November 2012.

 “Fujitsu is proud to bring some of the latest innovations in workplace device functionalities and usability for our  customers in Malaysia,” says Ms. Yap Hui Hui, Country Manager Malaysia, Fujitsu PC Asia Pacific Ltd. (FPCA)

“With our long history of producing convertible tablet PCs with touch features, the brand new Fujitsu Touch devices are a perfect fit with Windows 8 to provide users an intuitive and effective working experience. Especially today where, touch-screen devices are rapidly being adopted across multiple, evolving work environment.”

“It’s great to see Fujitsu embracing touch on its upcoming business PCs featuring Windows 8,” said John Case, Vice President, Worldwide OEM Marketing, Microsoft Corp. “Its innovative new hardware designed for Windows 8 will definitely bring rich ‘touch’ experiences, adding on to the core security-enhanced features and manageability that enterprise customers need.”

The all-new Fujitsu portfolio is designed to help accelerate dramatic changes in the way people are working with computers – incorporating touch, always-on connectivity and a seamless user experience. To ensure that users can stay in touch with modern business requirements, Fujitsu offers not only a wide choice of connected devices, but also ground-up design for greater usability and the convenience of touch-screen.

Clever features make Fujitsu’s new Windows 8 devices an even more attractive choice, and are built in to the design to make the user experience more rewarding, more productive, and more enjoyable.

Business users who want the style and convenience of a touch-screen tablet without sacrificing the essentials of enhanced security and usability need look no further than Fujitsu’s Windows 8 device line-up.

The new Fujitsu STYLISTIC Q572 is an ultra-lightweight, 10.1-inch tablet PC system which combines enhanced performance with extensive security-enhanced features including an incorporated fingerprint sensor, SmartCard reader and Full Disk Encryption (FDE) and tops it off with day-long working, supported by a swappable battery.

Fujitsu now offers its innovative STYLISTIC Q702 hybrid tablet featuring Windows 8. This can conveniently be used as a tablet while travelling, or converted into a traditional desktop notebook using an optional attachable keyboard.

The latest12.5-inch LIFEBOOK T732 is equipped with full corporate security-enhanced features such as biometric fingerprint sensor, Hard Disk and BIOS password protection and much more. The convertible tablet PC comes with a dual digitizer with strengthened glass display for precise drawing and great durability.

Similarly, users can add on modular options such as a second battery, Blu-ray writable drive, Dual Layer DVD Super Multi writer or weight saver for greater flexibility.

The LIFEBOOK T902, a 13.3-inch convertible tablet PC comes with a dual digitizer and multi-touch support for advanced navigation and precise drawing in a wider viewing screen. The convertible tablet PC is equipped with full business features like Intel® vPro technology, SmartCard reader and optional Trusted Platform Module (TPM) for enhanced mobile security.

Users can specify an additional port replicator for easy drop-and-go in corporate environments or use the modular bay for a second battery or second hard disk drive.

Rounding off the offering is the slim and light 13.3-inch LIFEBOOK SH782, a brand new ultraportable powerhouse that offers an extensive work usage of more than 15 hours with a second battery and enhanced performance. The SH782 is a stylish work companion with its slim and lightweight design and 3-colours choices of black, red and white.

For more information on Fujitsu products and their specifications, options and accessories available, please visit .

DiGi taps into Malaysians’ love for mobile instant messaging

Exclusive WhatsApp promotion for DG Prepaid Smart Plan customers

SHAH ALAM, 9 November 2012 – DiGi Telecommunications Sdn Bhd (“DiGi”) is reaching out to more Malaysians who can’t live without mobile instant messaging through an exclusive offer for DG Prepaid Smart Plan subscribers, effective 5 November 2012.

From 5 November 2012, the promotion offers subscribers an extended reload validity period as well as unlimited free data charges when using the WhatsApp Messenger.

The recently announced collaboration with WhatsApp Inc. has also given DiGi a competitive advantage in enabling customers to better enjoy the most popular mobile messaging service.

Ting Shiew Han, Head of Products – Consumer & Business, explains: “Our DG Prepaid Smart Plan is the first prepaid plan in Malaysia tailored for smartphone users. With every 6 out of 10 phones sold in Malaysia being a smartphone, DiGi is committed to deliver even better value and more convenience to our customers by giving a longer validity period and more value when they sign up for the package and when they reload.

“DiGi also understands that instant messaging is among the top 5 activities done on a mobile phone here. We are leveraging on our strategic partnership with WhatsApp Inc. to offer free connectivity to their very popular mobile messaging service for customers who use DG Prepaid Smart Plan. Customers can still communicate via WhatsApp even if they have used up their quota for data, voice, SMS and MMS, as long as the validity period is not over -- all these advantages available with zero commitment!”

The promotion is applicable for all existing and new DG Prepaid Smart Plan subscribers. A new DG Prepaid Smart Plan SIM pack worth RM25 is preloaded with over three times more data and validity period, compared to the old plan. It now comes with 300MB with a 25-day validity period along with the usual freebies for voice, SMS and MMS. For every reload purchase that ranges from RM10 to RM100, the validity period and data have increased up to 100 days and 2GB respectively.

During the promotion period, all data usage via WhatsApp will not be deducted from the subscribers’ Internet Data allocation. To those who are new to WhatsApp Messenger, they can download the mobile messaging application at and start communicating for free on WhatsApp.

For more information about DG Prepaid Smart Plan, log on to

Industry and Academia Reap Benefits from Intel Knowledge Transfer

Commitment by global chipmaker to facilitate industry-academia collaboration critical for nation’s economic and human capital development

Intel Malaysia’s agenda to bridge skills gap between industry and academia creates positive impact for the country. 
Through the Intel Higher Education Program, Intel actively facilitates the transfer of knowledge, technology and methodology in support of developing a digital economy by 2020. 
Intel remains committed to help universities and other local government agencies to develop curriculum that will advance innovation in key areas of technology

GEORGE TOWN, November 9, 2012 – Intel Malaysia’s ongoing agenda to bridge the skills gap that exists between industry and academia is creating a positive impact for the country. Over the last 40 years, the global chipmaker has harnessed the necessary experience and expertise required to support the Malaysian government’s initiative to develop a knowledge-based workforce capable of competing in a digital economy.

With a total workforce of more than 9,200 employees based mainly in high-tech manufacturing facilities located in Penang and Kulim, Intel Malaysia has over the years cultivated a large pool of technically-skilled competent workers. To-date, approximately 4,000 of Intel employees in Malaysia are engineers and technologists; and 2,000 of these engineers are in research and development (R&D). A more significant fact is that 95% of these 4,000 engineers and technologists are Malaysians.

“With our solid technical credentials, Intel, through the Intel Higher Education Program, is actively facilitating the transfer of knowledge, technology and methodology in support of developing a digital economy,” said Anjan Ghosh, Regional Director of Intel Corporate Affairs for Asia Pacific.

“Our commitment to education as a means to develop human capital and ignite economic growth is steadfast. Intel works closely with local governments, industry, policy makers, NGOs, and university faculty to help a country grow the technical talent they will need for the innovation economy,” said Ghosh at the recent Intel Asia Academic Forum 2012 in Penang.

The biennial Intel Asia Academic Forum, held over 2 days in Penang, gathered more than 150 key Intel technical experts and top professors from universities in China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and Vietnam to exchange ideas and information on current technology trends, methodology and challenges in the region.

This regional forum also focused on the topics of ‘Emerging Technologies’ and ‘Embedded Intel Architecture Technologies’, namely on the challenges faced in the proliferation and adoption of new technologies and the critical importance of research innovation. The forum also featured 35 Intel-Academia collaborative projects as well as some of the latest Intel embedded technology showcase including the In-vehicle Infotainment (IVI) – an integrated in-car entertainment and information system; and the XOLO smartphone – both powered by the Intel® Atom™ processors.

Harnessing industry-relevant skills
“In line with the government’s aspirations towards a developed digital economy by 2020, Intel is committed to help universities and other local government agencies to develop a curriculum that will advance innovation in key areas of technology,” said Chris Kelly, Director of Intel Architecture Group, Intel Malaysia.

In collaboration with the Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) and the MyTRIZ Association, Intel has successfully implemented the TRIZ methodology, a systematic and creative problem solving tool, in Malaysian universities since 2010. Along with the introduction of TRIZ curriculum, Intel engineers also trained over 1,000 TRIZ practitioners consisting mainly university lecturers and government officials. The Asia Academic Forum was followed by a 3-day TRIZ conference and workshops with more than 250 participants from local and regional universities.

“We are very pleased with the significant progress Intel has made so far in bridging the industry-academia gap. Intel is a strategic partner in providing access to and encouraging university students to adopt cutting-edge technology in the field of electronics engineering,” said Muhammad Imran Kunalan, General Manager of Talent Division, MDeC.

In Malaysia, Intel has contributed about RM15 million in grants under its Higher Education Program since 1997. Through this program, Intel has been in active collaboration with over 20 local institutions to encourage students to pursue a range of opportunities for technical study and research.

P1 CEO Awarded ICT Personality of the Year in 2012 PIKOM Leadership Awards

Kuala Lumpur, (9 Nov 2012) – CEO of South-East Asia’s 4G broadband pioneer Packet One Networks Sdn. Bhd. (P1), Michael Lai was recently named the ICT Personality of the Year at the 2012 PIKOM Leadership Awards.

The PIKOM Leadership Awards is an annual event that recognises achievements of individuals in the ICT industry with the following categories – ICT Personality of the Year, ICT Organisation of the Year, Member Excellence Awards, and CIO Excellence Awards. Individuals conferred for this award has to demonstrate exemplary growth and performance in the ICT industry. They must also have a history of serving the industry and show prominent contribution to the ICT industry in the country.

(Centre) Michael Lai, CEO of P1 and the P1 team.

“I share this award with my team members in P1, as well as our business partners who believed in our “Broadband for All” mission. This award is the result of a strong team believing in the same dream, works hard and never gives up. My heartfelt appreciation to each and every one of our team members who has walked alongside with P1 in the last four years,” said Lai.

Michael has been contributing to the ICT industry in Malaysia for the last 20 years. Among some of his key milestones include major involvement during the golden days of Internet. In addition, he was among the pioneers leading the launch of 3G services and later pushed the adoption of fixed broadband in Malaysia. In 2008, Lai led P1 and launched the first 4G provider in Malaysia and South East Asia. With his in-depth knowledge in the industry, Michael is also the first Malaysian to be appointed as the WiMAX Forum Board Member and a Member of the 4G Global TD-LTE Initiative Steering Committee, representing the South East Asia region.

New Flash Module From Hitachi Data Systems Delivers Superior Performance, Capacity and Reliability for Enterprise Workloads

Hitachi Accelerated Flash Storage Features New Rack-Optimized Form Factor With Increased Environmental Advantages and Lowest Cost per Bit 

When Compared to 400GB MLC SSDs, Hitachi Accelerated Flash Storage Achieves:
4 Times Better Performance.
46 Percent Lower Cost per Bit.

KUALA LUMPUR — November 9, 2012 — Hitachi Data Systems Corporation (HDS), a wholly owned subsidiary of Hitachi, Ltd., (TSE: 6501), today unveiled Hitachi Accelerated Flash storage. This new flash module is built specifically for the most demanding enterprise-class workloads. Hitachi Accelerated Flash storage features a custom-designed, rack-optimized form factor and innovative flash memory controller technology from Hitachi, Ltd. These features let the module achieve higher performance, lower cost per bit and greater capacity compared to conventional solid-state drives (SSDs) on the market today. Hitachi Accelerated Flash storage is available now for the industry’s leading enterprise solution, Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform (VSP). Now customers can realize a superior return on their flash investment with lower operating expenses. Hitachi Accelerated Flash storage is the first product to incorporate the recently introduced flash memory controller from Hitachi, Ltd., and today’s announcement marks the next phase of the Hitachi Data Systems flash strategy and roadmap first announced in August.

“Today’s announcement is a milestone achievement in how flash technology will be used in the enterprise data center moving forward,” said Hu Yoshida, Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, Hitachi Data Systems. “Hitachi Accelerated Flash storage is the first flash device that is optimized for the performance and reliability required for mission-critical applications. These applications include OLTP databases, ERP, financial data management, metadata and indexing. Because of the innovative multi-core flash controller technology from Hitachi, we are able to use multi-level cell (MLC) flash in enterprise applications by extending MLC endurance and exceeding the performance of single-level cell (SLC) flash. The result is the lowest cost per bit of any enterprise MLC flash solution on the market today.”

Flash technology has become more pervasive in the data center over the past few years. However, its widespread adoption as a mainstream storage option has been hampered by high costs, limited endurance and sub-optimal write performance. IT organizations have been forced to make tradeoffs in performance and capacity to reach the cost points that their shrinking budgets can accommodate. Hitachi Accelerated Flash storage fundamentally changes this model by eliminating these tradeoffs and answering customer demands for high capacity and performance at the lowest cost per bit. It changes the model by leveraging advanced Hitachi controller technology to increase the performance of MLC flash to levels that exceed those of more costly SLC flash. It also extends MLC flash endurance to enterprise levels. Hitachi Accelerated Flash storage delivers the performance, cost points, capacity and environmental characteristics that customers desire and that alternative solid-state storage options cannot match.

Hitachi Accelerated Flash storage introduces several unique capabilities including inline write compression that speeds writes on flash and improves MLC flash memory endurance. When compared to 400GB MLC SSDs, Hitachi Accelerated Flash storage features 4 times better performance, improved environmental characteristics (power and space), and up to 46 percent lower cost per bit. To provide customers with even more capacity cost savings, Hitachi Accelerated Flash storage is fully compatible with all Hitachi VSP features, including Hitachi Dynamic Tiering (HDT). This capability lets the system automatically optimize data placement by putting the most active data on Hitachi Accelerated Flash storage when the highest performance is required, and placing less-active data on cost-optimized, lower performance disk.
Hu Yoshida, VP and CTO, Hitachi Data Systems

Hitachi Accelerated Flash storage fits into a new 8U flash chassis. Each enclosure can scale from 6.4TB up to 76.8TB of flash storage, giving it 2 times greater density than the largest MLC SSD available today. Up to 4 flash enclosures can be housed in Hitachi VSP, enabling more than 300TB of flash per system. This deployment gives existing Hitachi VSP customers the flexibility to architect cost-effective, tiered storage environments with HDT that address the most demanding performance workloads. Customers can do this while maintaining the same storage management environment, external storage virtualization support, superior uptime and advanced functionality they are accustomed to from Hitachi VSP.

The Hitachi Data Systems flash roadmap spans across servers, storage and appliances to enable compute acceleration, caching and high-performance storage media use cases. Hitachi Data Systems will continue to expand its roadmap with additional flash-optimized solutions that are highly efficient, available and resilient. These new solutions will improve customers’ return on flash investments and lower operating expenses compared to alternative or single-purpose flash products.

Symantec Security Response: Millions Download SMS Spoofing Codes Found on Google Play

A few days ago, researchers from North Carolina State University published a video demonstrating how an app can simulate the reception of a text message from a spoofed source. SMS spoofing can be used for a number of malicious intentions, including SMS phishing attacks (SMSishing), which could trick someone into providing banking credentials or subscribing to paid services.

Although the code has been publicly documented and used since August, 2010, Symantec has yet to find any instances that use the code for an SMSishing attack. Instead, the vast majority of apps use the code to deliver advertisements, including a couple hundred applications hosted on Google Play. Symantec has recorded more than 250 applications that contain code using this technique including 200 that are currently available on Google Play with millions of combined downloads.

To send a spoofed SMS message there is no need to send a text message over the air. In fact, a message is never sent or received, instead, the system service in charge of receiving text messages is tricked into thinking a message has arrived—and it will happily store the text message and notify the user of the event. One can specify any arbitrary "from address" for the SMSishing attack and no special permissions are required to insert a spoofed message.

Some of the applications use the code to better integrate text messaging with instant messaging or other online services. The vast majority are using an ad network software development kit (SDK), which pushes ads straight into your SMS inbox. However, the network’s ad servers are down at the time of writing.

Users should be wary of the source of any suspicious incoming text messages while Google modifies Android to prevent spoofing of these text messages. These applications may be identified by Norton Spot and any future malicious usage are detected by Norton Mobile Security.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

HP claims success against counterfeit printing supplies in Malaysia

Protects customers from fraudulent products through the seizure of more than 11,520 counterfeit products

KUALA LUMPUR, 8 November 2012 — HP announced the seizure of over 11,520 counterfeit supplies in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This seizure was conducted by HP’s Southeast Asia ACF team and the local enforcement division of the Malaysian Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-Operatives and Consumerism in Kuala Lumpur on 16 October 2012. The authorities seized more than 719 counterfeit ink cartridges, 3,132 counterfeit toner cartridges and 7,669 various components used to make counterfeit HP cartridges. 

The entity, who was also a HP managed partner, was selling into the Malaysian market. The company has been terminated as a partner effective 1 November 2012 as a result of this successful seizure. The total seizure value is estimated at RM 913,234 (USD 299,421). Investigators are working to identify additional upstream suppliers and downstream customers.

HP collaborated with local law enforcement to make this action possible. HP vigorously defends its brand and intellectual property for Original HP supplies by engaging in industry-leading anti-counterfeiting practices to combat the fraudulent manufacture, distribution and sale of counterfeit HP supplies products.

“Our commitment to our customers is the driving force behind the vigilance of our anti-counterfeit team, as we understand how the sale of counterfeit HP products negatively impacts our customers and the HP brand. With counterfeit HP print cartridges, customers purchase what they often assume to be a genuine HP product, but they instead receive a cartridge that provides them with inferior print quality and often times a cartridge that fails to perform at all. Through our anti-counterfeiting efforts, HP is determined to protect our customers and our brand,” said Jeff Kwasny, Global Brand Protection and Anti-Counterfeit Manager, Printing and Personal Systems, HP.

A counterfeit product is a product which has been made to look identical to or substantially indistinguishable from the genuine or original product, usually for the purpose of deceiving customers. Counterfeiting of printing supplies usually involves the illegal printing of HP-branded boxes, labels and security seals. Often refilled cartridges containing inferior inks and toners are used and inserted into this packaging that closely resembles genuine HP packaging. The counterfeit cartridges are ultimately purchased by customers who believe them to be genuine.

The diligence of the HP anti-counterfeiting program in the Asia Pacific region has resulted in law enforcement agencies successfully confiscating more than 20 million units of counterfeit cartridges and components in the last 4 years.(1)

On a global level, HP maintains an aggressive approach to anti-counterfeiting and has conducted nearly 5000 investigations in 88 countries over the last 4 years. This activity has resulted in the seizure of nearly 35 million units of counterfeit printing cartridges and components worldwide over the same period.(1)

Helping customers identify counterfeit printing supplies

As part of its global anti-counterfeiting program, HP takes a proactive approach to alerting and educating customers on how to identify counterfeit printing supplies. HP also incorporates state-of-the-art technology in their products and cartridge packaging to help customers identify fraudulent supplies.

All HP cartridge packaging in the Asia Pacific region displays a security seal with color shifting technology that helps customers easily identify Original HP supplies. From last year, HP also introduced security seals with QR codes, allowing for Mobile Authentication with the QR code reader on customers’ mobile device or the HP eSupplies mobile app.(2,3) Customers can learn more about how to use this security seal as well as other best practices to avoid purchasing counterfeit cartridges at

(1)       Figures derived from seizures during the period of 2008-2011.

(2)       The HP Mobile Authentication program is available only with security labels that feature the QR code. The code may be read with any standard QR code reader. 

(3)       Compatible with Android 2.2 and later and Apple iOS 4.2 and later and later devices (iPad, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS and 3rd and 4th generation iPod touch) that support multitasking. Works with HP ePrint-enabled printers and MFPs. AirPrint and iOS 4.2 and later devices require an 802.11 “wireless network” connection to the printer. Wireless performance is dependent upon physical environment and distance from the access point.

SEEBURGER Partners with Indsoft To Offer Greater Solution Value for SAP users

Leading MFT provider SEEBURGER works with SAP consulting partner to add value to SAP users

Kuala Lumpur, 8 November 2012 — SEEBURGER, the leading German-based business integration and enterprise class Managed File Transfer (MFT) solutions provider, today announces its recent partnership with IndSoft, a SAP services provider to deploy the SEEBURGER Business Integration Suite (BIS).

Based in Chigago US, Indsoft is a certified SAP consulting partner that offers software consulting services to new business startups and SMEs, right up to enterprises and government agencies.

Sam Veera, Director of Operations, IndSoft, shares that the new partnership with SEEBURGER allows IndSoft clients to maximise their SAP investments by adding on the capabilities of secured managed file transfer, trading partner communications and add-ons to better streamline the business processes.

“SEEBURGER drives a new level of business efficiencies under one SAP platform by integrating B2B (Business-to-Business) file transfers, increasing automation of the order-to-cash process, reducing integration-related IT costs while strengthening security, increasing supply chain visibility, and facilitating compliance.”

James Hatcher, Regional Director, SEEBURGER APAC says, “Our contribution is to give an extra edge to Indsoft SAP consulting services, which will benefit its Indsoft SAP customers in the retail, utilities and consumer packaged goods sectors. This is why IT consultancies with strong SAP practices like Indsoft turn to SEEBURGER due to the potential of our technologies to facilitate new ways to leverage SAP deployments.”

SEEBURGER Monitoring Tool for Higher Visibility in Supply Chain Operations

SEEBURGER also announced the availability of SEEBURGER Monitor for SAP for supply chain management – this is also a ‘SAP add-on’ that enables supply chain managers and other end users to monitor and research all (Electronic Data Interchange) EDI-triggered processes from a single window within the SAP interface.

SEEBURGER Monitor for SAP is the first solution in the industry designed to simplify and expedite the traceability of supply chains, and to provide customised view for specific users’ file transfer records within an organization.

“Once supply chain data goes outside SAP platform, it is virtually invisible to supply chain professionals. This process of answering questions from non-technical users currently takes up more than 50% of the time of EDI specialists, so  SEEBURGER Monitor for SAP becomes very helpful to cut down the time to track and answer simple questions such as “where is my order” or ‘did the order ship?’,” says Hatcher.

BAE Systems cyber-security team scoops major award at KL World Innovation Forum.

7th November 2012. KL Sentral-based, BAE Systems Stratsec, now part of BAE Systems Detica, was officially lauded as Malaysia’s ‘Most Innovative Information Security Company’ during an innovation awards ceremony in Kuala Lumpur.

The ceremony took place on 6th of November 2012 in Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, during the week-long World Innovation Forum 2012.

Y.B. Datuk Seri Panglima Dr Maximus Johnity Ongkili, Chairman Cybersecurity Malaysia (fourth from Right) and also, Y.Bhg. Dato' Dr. Madinah Mohamad - Secretary Gen MOSTI (Centre of picture).

The award was presented by YB Datuk Seri Panglima Dr. Maximus Johnity Ongkili, Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) to Peter Lilley, BAE Systems Stratsec CEO and his KL team.

The award acknowledged BAE Systems’ exemplary leadership, innovation, and commitment in contributing to cyber security and information security in Malaysia.

John Brosnan, BAE Systems’ managing director for South East Asia said:  “We are very proud of our Malaysia team in receiving this prestigious award.  In a short space of time our cyber professionals in the KL Sentral office have established themselves as a national center of excellence in delivering information security services.

“BAE Systems Detica sees Malaysia as the future hub for its cyber-security offering in the region. Where today we employ 25 highly skilled Malaysian cyber-professionals, our aim is to grow that number to more than 300 over the next few years as we deliver our security credentials across ASEAN markets.”

“We are already a leading cyber security partner to the UK and Australian Governments and are working closely with Cyber Security Malaysia and the broader Malaysian Government.  We are also now working with leading Malaysian industry brands including Air Asia and CIMB in what we believe is a vibrant and growing cyber security sector.”

“Innovation is one of the core values of our company. It is also clearly a value that is driving Malaysia forward as a nation.  What better place could there possibly be from which to deliver our worldwide intellectual property and security experience to the rest of Asia.”



November, 2012 – In an effort to further enhance cybersecurity around the world, International Multilateral Partnership Against Cyber Threats (IMPACT), the cybersecurity executing arm of United Nations’ specialised agency – the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the General Secretariat of the International Criminal Police Organisation – (INTERPOL), reached a historic milestone with the signing of a landmark ‘Cooperation Agreement’ between both international organisations. The formal exchange of Agreement took place today during the 81 INTERPOL General Assembly held here in Rome, Italy.

Through this Agreement, it allows both IMPACT and INTERPOL to exchange information, expertise as well as to enhance both organisations’ knowledge base in the field of cybersecurity. The Agreement will also see the cross promotion of capacity building activities aimed at the public and private sector and the civil society, with an objective to curb cyber crimes by protecting the cyber space and orchestrating a safer global

“This kind of cross-agency collaboration is essential to combating the increasingly serious problem of international cybercrime,” said ITU Secretary-General Dr. Hamadoun I. Touré. “For too long, cyber criminals have hidden behind national borders, hoping to escape detection or eluding the jurisdiction of national law enforcement authorities. This new partnership with INTERPOL represents a major step forward in our efforts to bring such Datuk Mohd Noor Amin, Chairman of IMPACT added; “The signing of this agreement is truly a landmark event for all of us. For the first time, we are effectively pooling together and merging the resources from INTERPOL’s community of police forces worldwide with ITU-IMPACT’s existing stakeholders from governments, telecommunications regulators, CERTs, ISPs, ICT industry and academia. ITU’s recent MOU with the United Nations Office of Drug and Crime (UNODC) further strengthens the partnership by potentially adding in judicial officers and prosecutors under the ITU-IMPACT umbrella. This coming together of various different, but important, stakeholders is vital if we are going to succeed against the cyber criminals and enhance international cybersecurity.”

The Cooperation Agreement paves the way for INTERPOL and ITU-IMPACT to effectively cooperate within the scope of their respective mandates and resources in the field of cybersecurity. This Agreement is also designed to provide a broad framework for such cooperation to take place and to establish a collaborative association, with a view to promoting cybersecurity capacity-building and addressing cyber threats on a global scale.

Datuk Mohd Noor Amin, Chairman of IMPACT and Mr Ronald K. Noble, Secretary General of INTERPOL signed the Cooperation Agreement today, witnessed by ITU Secretary-General, Dr. Hamadoun I. Touré.

With 144 countries now, part of the ITU-IMPACT coalition, IMPACT is entrusted with the task of providingcybersecurity support and services to ITU’s Member States and other organisations within the UN system. ITU-IMPACT’s global partnership now embraces over 200 industry, academia and international organizations.

Symantec Simplifies SMB Security in Malaysia with Cloud-ready Endpoint Protection

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia – November 8, 2012 Symantec Corp. (Nasdaq: SYMC) today announced Symantec Endpoint Protection Small Business Edition 2013, giving small and medium businesses (SMBs) in Malaysia choice by offering a cloud-managed service and traditional on-premise management in a single endpoint protection product. By simplifying the deployment options, SMBs have the freedom to very easily move to the cloud when they’re ready without adding complexity to their environment. SMBs can also effortlessly protect their information at a time when targeted attacks have doubled against businesses with 250 or fewer employees, climbing to 36 percent of all targeted attacks.

More than three quarters of SMBs in Malaysia have reported suffering from cyber attacks.  As a result, SMBs need scalable, easy-to-deploy and easy-to-manage security solutions to protect against the onslaught of malware and web-based attacks targeting their business. Symantec Endpoint Protection Small Business Edition 2013 addresses these requirements by installing in minutes, protecting against viruses and malware, and updating automatically to deliver critical protection for laptops, desktops, and file servers. Built specifically for SMBs, this new solution delivers on Symantec’s commitment to serving, enabling, helping and protecting this important business community around the world.

 (from left):Philip Routley, Head of SMB Product Marketing, Asia Pacific and Japan, Symantec. Avinash Lotke, Director of Strategic Sales, Asia Pacific and Japan, Symantec.

“SMBs in Malaysia are a key part of the supply chain in the business environment today, they are handling valuable information and regularly process important customer data. Ensuring that the important information is protected is no longer an option today,” said Avinash Lotke, Symantec’s director of strategic sales, Asia Pacific and Japan. “While SMBs in Malaysia ranked data loss and cyber attacks as top business risks , they are still facing challenges in securing their businesses as buying, deploying and managing security systems are becoming increasingly complicated. Symantec’s announcement today demonstrates our commitment to simplifying information protection for SMBs.”

Philip Routley, Symantec’s head of SMB Product Marketing for Asia Pacific and Japan, added, “Symantec Endpoint Protection Small Business Edition 2013 offers SMBs the choice of a cloud-managed service or on-premise management in a single product. This product enables SMBs to quickly and easily protect information by eliminating complexity in their environment, giving them the freedom to very simply move to the cloud when they’re ready, at no additional cost.”

Jon Oltsik, senior principal analyst at Enterprise Strategy Group, commented, “Security issues don’t discriminate by organisational size – small businesses face the same threats as enterprises. Security is also complex and for small businesses, it’s getting harder to manage every day. Protecting their business information needs to be simple or it won’t get done. By providing one product with the choice of cloud-management or on-premise, Symantec makes it easy for SMBs to deploy and manage security.”

Simple, Fast and Effective Protection against Cyber Attacks
Symantec Endpoint Protection Small Business Edition 2013 allows SMB owners and their employees to work confidently knowing they’re always protected with features that include:
Industry-leading security: Advanced virus and malware protection, supported with Symantec Insight and Symantec Online Network for Advanced Response (SONAR) behavior-based security technologies, quickly and easily detects new threats and stops them in their tracks, keeping staff computers secure and productive even when they’re mobile.
Management choice: The simplicity, power, and convenience of a cloud-managed service, or an on-premise management application, enables better budget management with a simple subscription fee that flattens operating costs and covers either management choice. Customers that prefer to initially deploy an on-premise management server can switch to the cloud at no additional cost when they’re ready, which future-proofs their investment.
Windows® 8 support: Compatible with Windows 8 to protect computers running the new operating system.
The cloud-managed service provides additional benefits to SMBs including:
Sets up in minutes: Easy setup in minutes that requires no specialized staff or training. There is no hardware to install or upgrade, as everything happens effortlessly over the Web. The user-friendly, web-based console allows SMBs to change security settings, set up alerts, and view reports with just a few clicks, and local security updates deliver better bandwidth optimization.
USB device control: New capabilities to detect and protect against harmful files from USB storage devices, which are commonly used to spread malware.

Partner Management Console
Symantec Endpoint Protection Small Business Edition 2013 is supported by the Symantec Partner Management Console, which allows partners to easily monitor and manage their customers’ environments using cloud-managed deployments of Symantec Endpoint Protection Small Business Edition 2013 and Symantec Backup through a single web-based portal. The console enables fast customer set-up and accelerates partner profitability by reducing the costs of managing multiple customers and services while demonstrating increased value to end users.

Pricing and Availability
SMBs currently using a competing endpoint security product may qualify for discounted pricing on Symantec Endpoint Protection Small Business Edition 2013. Symantec customers using a different Symantec Endpoint Protection Small Business Edition product may qualify for discounted pricing when switching to the new product. Symantec customers currently using Symantec Endpoint are automatically transitioned to Symantec Endpoint Protection Small Business Edition 2013 and inherit all of the new features of the service. Symantec Endpoint Protection Small Business Edition 2013 is immediately available for purchase in select countries worldwide through Symantec’s global network of value-added authorized resellers, distributors and systems integrators or directly through the Symantec e-store.

Symantec 推出云端就绪(Cloud-ready)端点安全防护产品


吉隆坡,马来西亚 – 2012年11月8日 – 今天,赛门铁克(Symantec Corp)公司 (Nasdaq: SYMC) 发布2013年最新版小型企业端点安全防护产品,将传统企业预置型安全管理方案及云端管理服务集中于一款端点安全防护产品,为马来西亚中小型企业(简称SMB)提供另一项选择。 通过简化部署选项,中小型企业能自由地在准备就绪时轻易地转至云端版本,而不会让现有环境的操作变得复杂。当250名员工或以下规模企业面对目标式攻击事件倍增(占全部目标式攻击事件比例的36%)的同时,中小型企业仍可轻松无忧地保护他们的资讯。[1]

超过三分之一的马来西亚中小型企业曾举报遭受网络攻击(cyber attacks)[2]。因此,中小型企业需要更具伸缩性、简易部署及轻松管理的安全防护方案,以保护他们的业务,避免遭到针对性恶意软件和网络相关的攻击。2013版赛门铁克小型企业端点安全防护方案满足了这些需求,具有快速安装、防护病毒和恶意软件、可自动更新为笔记型电脑、桌上型电脑和文件伺服器提供重要保护作用等优势。这款专为中小型企业而设计的安全防护方案充分展现了赛门铁克秉持的企业承诺 -- 致力于为世界各地重要企业社群提供服务、帮助管理及保护他们的资讯。

“马来西亚的中小型企业是现今商业环境供应链的重要关键之一,他们掌握着许多宝贵资讯及定期处理重要的客户资讯。确保这些重要资讯获得保护如今已不再是一种选择,而是必须执行的事项!”赛门铁克亚太区及日本策略销售总监Avinash Lotke表示。“虽然马来西亚的中小型企业把资讯泄露和网络攻击视为首要业务风险3,他们在安全防护方面仍然面对许多挑战。因为,购买、部署和管理安全防护系统已经变得越来越复杂。赛门铁克今日发布的消息充分表现了我们为中小型企业提供简化安全保护方案的决心!” 

赛门铁克亚太区及日本中小型企业产品市场主管Philip Routley补充说明:“2013版赛门铁克小型企业端点安全防护方案为中小型企业提供集合了传统企业预置型安全管理方案及云端管理服务的单一端点安全防护产品。这款安全防护方案能为中小型企业简化操作环境的复杂程序,以更快速、更简单的方式保护资讯,而且随时可以轻松地把资讯转移到云端系统,无须额外支付任何费用。”

企业策略集团(Enterprise Strategy Group)首席分析员Jon Oltsik评述:“安全问题与企业规模无关,小型企业面对的风险威胁和大企业一样。另外,安全防护问题也比较复杂,让小型企业更难以执行日常管理。因此,保护这些企业资讯的方案必须尽量简化,否则就无法实现。通过这款集合了传统企业预置型安全管理方案及云端管理服务的端点安全防护产品,赛门铁克帮助中小型企业更容易部署及管理资讯安全问题。”

防御网络攻击 – 简单!快速!有效!
领先业界的安全防护系统: 先进的病毒和恶意软件防护功能,采用Symantec Insight 和SONAR主动式行为防御技术(Symantec Online Network for Advanced Response ,简称SONAR) ,能够轻易及快速地识别新的恶意攻击,在相关程序运行时进行追踪并予以防堵,即使员工外出,也能保护员工电脑的安全性及维持工作效率。

管理部署选项: 这款简化、有效、方便应用的安全管理方案产品备有云端管理服务或传统企业预置型管理应用选项,只需要支付简单的订购费即可持平营运费用及涵盖任何一项管理方案,让安全管理变得更经济实惠。购买时选择采用企业预置型管理服务的客户,也可在无需额外付费的情况下转换成云端管理服务,这是对未来更有保障的投资。
支援Windows® 8 应用程式:适用于Windows 8 应用程式,为采用新作业系统的电脑提供安全防护。

快速安装: 安装程序简易快速,无需专业人员协助或培训。不必安装或升级硬体设备,因为一切都可经由网络轻松设置。操作简单、基于网络的控制台让中小型企业只需几次点击就可更换安全设置、部署警报及浏览报告。同时,本机安全更新功能也提供了更好的频宽优化结果。

USB 安全和设备控制:增设了侦测及防护USB存储设备恶性档案的新功能,USB是普遍用于传播恶意软件的途径。

赛门铁克2013年最新版小型企业端点安全防护方案获得赛门铁克合作伙伴管理平台(Symantec Partner Management Console) 支持,合作用户可以通过单一的网络控制台,采用赛门铁克2013年最新版小型企业端点安全防护和赛门铁克云端备份(Symantec Backup方案的云端管理设置,更简易有效地监控及管理客户的运作环境。这个控制台可减少管理多元客户和服务的费用,为终端客户提供更超值的服务,进而更快速地拓展客户群,以及提高合作伙伴的盈利性。

目前采用竞争对手端点安全防护产品的中小型企业可获得赛门铁克2013年最新版小型企业端点安全防护方案优惠价的资格。使用不同小型端点防护产品的赛门铁克客户在转换成新产品时,也可以获得折扣优惠。目前采用赛门铁克端点防护云端服务方案的客户将自动转换至赛门铁克2013年最新版小型企业端点安全防护方案,享有这项服务的所有新功能特点。赛门铁克2013年最新版小型企业端点安全防护方案即日起在全球指定国家销售,销售途径包括赛门铁克全球网络的授权经销联盟、代理商和系统整合商,或直接浏览Symantec e-store选购。

Expo 2012 ends year at MITC

PC Expo 2012 ends year with celebratory offers at Melaka International Trade Centre Nov 9 – 11

NOVEMBER 8, 2012, MELAKA – PC Expo 2012 will end this year with an impressive lineup of celebratory bargains, school holiday deals and year-end promotional offers November 9 – 11 at Melaka International Trade Centre (MITC), Melaka.

According EM Exhibitions (M) Sdn Bhd project director Jeslynn Wong Lee Chen, the festive mood is in the air particularly as year-end school holidays start this weekend. In addition, there are two festivities next week, Deepavali on Nov 13, 2012 and Awal  Muharram two days later. “Shoppers will be in for a treat for festive bargains, school-holiday offers and year-end sales for digital lifestyle devices and services at the Expo.“

More than 350,000 shoppers have made PC Expo 2012 their shopping destination in recent weeks. Melaka PC Expo 2012 is the third and final leg of the Expo, which to date has been held in Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru, Penang and Sg. Petani.

This week, about 80,000 shoppers are expected to converge at MITC to take advantage of offers and bargains from 47 participating digital lifestyle retailers, distributors and technology principals. These include exhibitors like Acer Sales and Services Sdn Bhd (MK3), Celcom Mobile Sdn Bhd (MK39), Hewlett-Packard (M) Sdn Bhd (MK7), Maxis Mobile Services Sdn Bhd (MK36), Packet One Networks (M) Sdn Bhd (MK41), TM Berhad (MK38), Toshiba (MK8), U Mobile Sdn Bhd (MK40) and YTL Communications Sdn Bhd (MK37).

Local digital lifestyle retailers based in Melaka are well represented at the Expo. They include GH Computer Technology Sdn Bhd (MK24), Kao Sheng Distribution Sdn Bhd (MK6, MK26), Keypoint Computers Sdn Bhd (MK14), Komputer Abadi Sdn Bhd (MK31, MK32), MicroNation Sdn Bhd (MK23), MPS Telecommunication Sdn Bhd (MK5, MK31A), Navotech Technology Sdn Bhd (MK4, MK49), Pan Millenium Sdn Bhd (MK11), Stygix Distribution (MK12, MK15A) and VKnow Systems Sdn Bhd (MK21).

She said shoppers can look forward to several activities held during the Expo. For example, Acer will be organising Mini Speedy Sweep @ PC Expo daily. Every customer making a purchase during Happy Hour (3.00pm to 4.00pm) are eligible to play Mini Speedy Sweep which has a grand prize of Acer products worth RM1,500. In addition, every participant will receive a RM20 Acer shopping voucher. Participants need to identify and gather Acer products on the stage worth RM2,000 and the participant with the closest amount wins. “There are also hands-on opportunity featuring Windows 8 on Acer’s new all-in-one 27-inch touch-friendly desktop PC, Acer Aspire 7600U and on-the-go ultrabook, Acer Aspire S7,” she said.

Thunder Match Technology Sdn Bhd (MK9) will offer Windows 8 pre-installed notebook PCs like the 14-inch Dell Inspiron Ultrabook 14Z 5423 at RM2,199 and Dell Inspiron 7420 at RM2,899. There are also numerous offers for smartphones and tablets like Samsung Galaxy Note II, at RM2,299 and bundled with a flip cover and screen protector, 7-inch Samsung Galaxy Tab II at RM1,299 and 10.1-inch Samsung Galaxy Note at RM2,199 and bundled with a screen protector, book cover and 16GB memory card.

Exhibitors like Metakey Sdn Bhd (MK16), Navotech Technology, Kao Sheng Distribution and E Cube Trading (MK27) have an assortment of interesting bargains. Metakey intends to highlight Android-based tablets with prices RM299 onwards and mobile digital MP3 players priced RM19.90 onwards. Navotech Technology will offer Samsung 19-inch LCD monitors for RM249, 8GB Kingston MicroSD cards for RM19 and bundling Acer 500GB External HDDs for RM159 with a free gift. Among interesting offers from Kao Sheng Distribution include RM89 for a 5400mAH smart phone PowerBank which retails at RM129, Targus notebook backpacks priced from RM139 and accessories for smartphones and tablets, while E Cube Trading is offering a “Buy 1 - Free 3” notebook backpacks for a selected range.

Shoppers can take advantage of Melaka PC Expo 2012 Early-Bird Offers like RM9.90 for a Kingston 8GB USB drive, RM29.90 for a Batman-themed PowerBank, RM169 for a Buffalo 500GB Portable HDD, RM199 for a HP Laserjet P1102 and more.

There are also numerous activities to reward shoppers. These activities include “Check- In and Redeem” and “Lucky Draw”. More than RM50,000 worth of prizes are ready and include the new iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0”, Alcatel OT979 Special Edition Phone and Sony Hello Kitty Limited Edition Handycam. There are also activities to celebrate the popularity of PC Expo Facebook (, which has garnered about 47,000 “Likes”. These activities include “Unlock and Win” with a Samsung Galaxy S3 as the main prize and “Like, Share and Tag” which has an iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy Note 2 as prizes

Malware targeting Android has a taste for Gingerbread and Ice Cream Sandwich

PETALING JAYA, November 8, 2012 - Analysis of mobile malware for Android OS by Kaspersky Lab experts in Q3 2012 revealed that the most popular targets among cybercriminals were Android versions 2.3.6, or ‘Gingerbread’, and 4.0.4, also known as ‘Ice Cream Sandwich’.

The rapid growth in the number of new mobile malicious programs for Android continued in the third quarter, prompting the specialists at Kaspersky Lab to identify the platform versions most frequently targeted by cybercriminals. Android 2.3.6 Gingerbread accounted for 28% of all blocked attempts to install malware, while the second most commonly attacked version was the new 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich, which accounted for 22% of attempts.

“Although Gingerbread was released back in September 2011, due to the segmentation of the Android device market it still remains one of the most popular versions, which, in turn, attracts increased interest from cybercriminals,” commented Yuri Namestnikov, Senior Malware Analyst at Kaspersky Lab. “The popularity of the most recent version of the Android OS – Ice Cream Sandwich – among virus writers can be explained by the fact that the devices running the latest versions of the OS are more suitable for online activities. Unfortunately, users actively surfing the web often end up on malicious sites.”

More than one half of all malware detected on user smartphones turned out to be SMS Trojans, i.e. malicious programs that steal money from victims’ mobile accounts by sending SMS messages to premium rate numbers.

The OpFake family has become the most widespread (38.3% of all the malicious programs detected for Android) among all the mobile malware families. All the programs in this family disguise themselves as OperaMini. A fifth of the malicious programs detected on user devices are versatile Trojans, most of which belong to the Plangton family. After being installed on a device, these Trojans collect service data on the telephone, send it to the command server and wait for the cybercriminals’ commands. Specifically, malicious programs in this family can stealthily change bookmarks and the home page. Third place in the ranking was taken by the FakeInst family, whose members pretend to be installers for popular programs (17%). These two types of malware are mostly distributed via so-called alternative app stores created by cybercriminals.

Mobile threats of this kind can be neutralized with the help of dedicated mobile applications. For example, in addition to reliable protection against information theft via malware, Kaspersky Mobile Security and Kaspersky Tablet Security also ensure data stays safe even if a device is lost or stolen.
The full version of the report “IT Threat Evolution: Q3 2012” is available at

Brocade MLXe Core Routers Power First 100 GbE Open, National-Scale, Software-Defined Network

Internet2 Network Fosters Innovation and Collaboration to Advance Big Data Research

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia – Nov. 8, 2012 – Brocade (NASDAQ: BRCD) today announced that Brocade® MLXe Core Routers are integral networking components of the U.S.’ first 100 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) open, nationwide software-defined network, operated by Internet2. The new network is built to support advanced services and cloud applications for member organizations, primarily in the education and research communities.

Designed to enable software-defined networking (SDN) protocols like OpenFlow, the Brocade MLXe 100 GbE routers enable programmatic control of the network infrastructure to deliver massive scale and intelligent service delivery capabilities. As the industry’s first network vendor to deliver OpenFlow in true hybrid mode, the Brocade MLXe routers announced in September 2012 enable customers to simultaneously deploy traditional Layer 2/3 forwarding with OpenFlow at up to wire-speed 100 GbE performance. This unique capability enables network operators such as Internet2 to integrate OpenFlow into existing networks, giving them the programmatic control offered by SDN for specific flows while the remaining traffic is handled as before.

“Networking infrastructure is being transformed by SDN into an open platform for innovation. We are excited that Brocade 100 GbE and true Hybrid-Mode OpenFlow technologies are part of the new Internet2 Network. By working with Internet2 and its members, Brocade will build upon its pioneering work on high-speed software-defined networks,” said Ken Cheng, vice president of the Routing, Application Delivery and Software Networking Group at Brocade.

The national high-performance Internet2 Network connects America’s colleges and universities to research and education collaborators worldwide. The newly upgraded 100 GbE-enabled and 8.8 Terabit per second (Tbps) optical network will allow member institutions to keep pace with the exponential growth in Big Data scientific research being driven by the nation’s collaborative researchers in labs and universities.

The Internet2 Network also enables advanced networking features for more than 200,000 of the country’s essential community anchor institutions, including libraries, hospitals, K-12 schools, community colleges and public safety organizations as part of its United States Unified Community Anchor Network (U.S. UCAN) project. In collaboration with regional research and education networks across the country, U.S. UCAN will enable these anchor institutions to serve their communities with telemedicine, distance learning and other life-changing applications. U.S. UCAN and the upgraded network are predominately funded through the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Broadband Technology Opportunities Program.

Internet2 has more than 350 member institutions, including colleges and universities, government agencies and Fortune 500 companies. For a complete list of participating members, please visit

Internet2® is a member-owned advanced technology community founded by the nation’s leading higher education institutions in 1996. Internet2 provides a collaborative environment for U.S. research and education organizations to solve common technology challenges, and to develop innovative solutions in support of their educational, research and community service missions. For more information, visit


TM Research & Development Sdn Bhd (TMR&D), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) will sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with FiberHome Telecommunications Technologies (FiberHome) to pave the way for more joint research and development (R&D) collaborations on advanced optical and wireless communication technologies.

Giorgio Migliarina, Chief Technology & Innovation Officer, TM and Dr. Gopi Kurup, Chief Executive Officer, TMR&D signed the agreement on behalf of TMR&D while FiberHome was represented by Yang Zhuang, its Chief Technology Officer & Vice President and Taurus Fan, its Southeast Asia President.

(Front row: From left to right) Dr. Gopi Kurup, Chief Executive Officer, Telekom Malaysia Research & Development Sdn Bhd (TM R&D), Giorgio Migliarina, Chief Technology & Innovation Officer, TM, Yang Zhuang, Chief Technology Innovation Officer, FiberHome Telecommunication Technologies, and Zhou Xi Kang, Chief Executive Officer, Research & Development, FiberHome Telecommunication Technologies, at the recent MoU signing ceremony between TM R&D and FiberHome Telecommunication Technologies. Witnessing the signing were, Dato' Danapalan TP Vinggrasalam, Chairman of the Board, TM R&D (back row, third from left), He Shuping, President FiberHome Technologies Group (back row, second from right).

Present to witness the signing were Dato’ Danapalan TP Vinggrasalam, Chairman of TMR&D and He Shuping, President of FiberHome.

The joint R&D collaboration, leveraging on the key strengths of both organisations, is hoped to lead to the advancements in the area of Radio over Fiber (RoF) systems, and to enable the creation of more cost effective and energy efficient complementary solutions for the provision of next generation high speed broadband connectivity in Malaysia. An expert in the Optical Telecommunication technology, TM R&D will mainly contribute their expertise and experience in that field towards telecommunication frontier projects. The MOU will also enable both parties to mutually benefit through competency and capability development in the advanced area of RoF.

Commenting on the collaboration, Dr Gopi Kurup shared, “This collaboration with FiberHome is testament to TM’s commitment towards research investment and our achievements spanning more than a decade. The signing of this MOU with a China-based telecommunications company, is indeed a significant step towards taking Malaysian research capability and contribution to the global landscape. We are looking forward to embark on this exciting journey with Fiberhome to contribute and further enhance the local and global telecommunication R&D.”

“FiberHome is fairly rich in telecommunication technologies research and development, especially in the field of fiber-optic communications. We do hope to collaborate more with TMR&D, and gain a series of research achievements with industrial applications.” said He Shuping.

The innovative solutions provided by TMR&D will also strengthen its plans to penetrate foreign markets and it currently has a number of ready products and tools developed for this purpose.

For further information on TM R&D, visit


Telekom Research & Development Sdn Bhd (TM R&D) a wholly-owned subsidiary of Telekom Malaysia Berhad’s (TM), recently bagged two (2) recognitions namely the Best of Communications Applications Award and a merit for the Best of Applications and Infrastructure Tools category at the MSC Malaysia Asia Pacific ICT Awards (MSC Malaysia APICTA).

Receiving the awards on behalf of the Company, Dr. Gopi Kurup, Chief Executive Officer of TM R&D shared, “The APICTA awards are one of the most prestigious innovation awards around, and TM R&D is of course proud to be the recipients of two awards. Winning these awards which are recognised industry-wide has definitely enhanced our position as a leader in the research, development and innovation field. Kudos to my team for their tireless efforts and may this achievement further encourage them to continue to strive for future excellence.”

The Best of Communications Applications Award is presented to the most innovative nomination for developing outstanding communications technologies or for developing ICT solutions that make creative use of communications technologies. The application must also be developed specifically for Communications Industry; whereas the Best of Applications and Infrastructure Tools award is presented to the most innovative nomination for the development of applications and infrastructure tools.

Organised by the Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) and the National ICT Association of Malaysia (PIKOM), the MSC Malaysia-APICTA Awards serves as a platform for the benchmarking of Malaysian ICT products and services and to recognise outstanding achievements of individuals and companies in the fraternity. The awards are also hoped to stimulate creativity, innovation and excellence among companies and technopreneurs within the Malaysian ICT industry.

The APICTA winners and merit recipients were selected by a panel of judges consisting of local industry experts and ICT thought leaders.

Winners of the MSC Malaysia APICTA awards will go on to represent Malaysia at this year’s International APICTA Awards which will be held in Brunei Darussalam on 5 December 2012.

For further information on TM R&D, visit

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Lenovo Announces Range of Convertible Devices Designed for Windows 8

New Multi-Mode Devices Redefine Future of Computing with Ability to Flip, Fold, Twist and Turn

MALAYSIA – November 7, 2012: Lenovo (HKSE: 992) (ADR: LNVGY) today announced three new convertible devices designed for the Windows 8 platform. For consumers, the touch-optimized convertibles include the IdeaPad Yoga 13 Ultrabook, offering a blend of work and play and the IdeaPad Yoga 11, a svelte, all day mobile companion. For professionals, Lenovo introduced the ThinkPad Twist, a business-ready Ultrabook and the first in the ThinkPad line of new convertible devices.

“Lenovo was one of the first to embrace convertible design that integrated touch capabilities in a big way; our new Ultrabooks address the unique needs of consumers, businesses and everyone in between by creating high performance laptop-tablet combinations in new designs and different sizes,” said Khoo Hung Chuan, Country General Manager, Lenovo Malaysia. “With the launch of Windows 8 and Intel’s Ultrabook technology, now is the right time for the convertible form factor to take off. We are confident these innovative machines are the best devices for a groundbreaking touchscreen experience, plus their multi-modes give our customers more ways to use their PCs than ever before.”
 (from right) Jimmy Chin, Consumer Segment Lead, Lenovo Malaysia holding the newly launched Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga 13’ featured in Tent Mode, a model holding the Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga 13’  featured in Stand Mode, Khoo Hung Chuan, Country General Manager, Lenovo Malaysia holding the Clementine Orange coloured Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga 13’ with Amrita Sapre, Windows Product Group Manager, Microsoft Malaysia, holding the newly launched Mocha coloured Lenovo ThinkPad Twist, a model holding the Lenovo ThinkPad Twist  featured in Laptop Mode, and Wu Hua Horng, SMB Product Manager, Lenovo Malaysia holding the Lenovo ThinkPad Twist  featured in Tablet Mode.

IdeaPad Yoga Flexes like a Pro
As one of the world’s first multi-mode Ultrabooks, the IdeaPad Yoga 13 provides users with the ultimate flexibility between work and play. The Yoga 13’s revolutionary hinge design allows it to rotate through a 360o angle and switch between laptop and tablet in one simple motion.

Infused with powerful 3rd generation Intel® Core™ processors and powered by Windows 8, Yoga 13 provides laptop-grade performance to get work done all day without slowing down thanks to its super slim 0.6-inch frame and eight hours of battery life. At the flip of the hinge, the IdeaPad Yoga 13 transforms into a media-friendly tablet primed with rich audio-visual features like Dolby® Home Theatre®. Visuals look stunning with a bright background and vivid colors on the Yoga’s 13.3-inch high definition IPS display, and its high definition resolution makes web browsing and video playback stand out. Users can gesture to flip through photos with the machine’s special Motion Control feature, or simply use their fingers on the ten point multi-touch screen.

Its smaller screen size counterpart, Yoga 11, is the world’s slimmest multi-mode PC, measuring just 15.6mm thin. Yoga 11’s slim design, 11.6-inch screen and long 10 hour battery life make it a great convertible for mobility. Equipped with NVIDIA Tegra 3 – the world’s only quad-core processor for Windows RT – Yoga 11 lets users watch movies in HD, play games, get connected and stay productive virtually all day long.

Both Yoga 13 and 11 can be used in two other modes in addition to laptop and tablet: convert them into a Stand1 by flipping the keyboard behind the screen to comfortably watch movies or view pictures up close, or bend them upright like a Tent2 to bring games or video chats to life.

ThinkPad Twist Puts New Spin on Small Business Computing
ThinkPad Twist makes it easy to choose one affordable device that can do it all. Use it as a full-performance Ultrabook, and then twist the top to switch to a convertible tablet. The 12.5-inch ThinkPad Twist gives professionals the technologies they need for both their business and personal computing. For exceptional business-class productivity, ThinkPad Twist packages up to 3rd generation Intel® Core™ i5 processors, up to Windows 8 Pro, large storage up to 500 GB or up to 256 GB SSD and the ThinkPad-brand’s legendary keyboard, quality and reliability features. Users can work for hours with nearly all-day battery life and tablet-like quick resume from standby.
This powerful machine also includes dedicated software tools specifically for small businesses, including Lenovo Solutions for Small Business powered by Intel Small Business Advantage and Lenovo Cloud Storage by SugarSync.

ThinkPad Twist’s luminous high definition IPS display and Dolby® Home Theatre® audio produce an outstanding multimedia experience, be it for a client video presentation or action-packed movie after a long day at work. Like Yoga, the Twist can convert into new modes like Stand, a great position for work collaboration via the multi-touch screen.
 (from right) Jimmy Chin, Consumer Segment Lead, Lenovo Malaysia holding the Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga 13’ in Tent Mode, Khoo Hung Chuan, Country General Manager, Lenovo Malaysia holding the Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga 13’ in Laptop Mode, Amrita Sapre, Windows Product Group Manager, Microsoft Malaysia, holding the Lenovo ThinkPad Twist in Laptop Mode, and Wu Hua Horng, SMB Product Manager, Lenovo Malaysia holding the Lenovo ThinkPad Twist  featured in Laptop Mode as well.

Flexible Service and Support
Lenovo offers a full suite of services for the new devices, including In-Home Warranty upgrades for service at the owner’s home or business, and Accidental Damage Protection on select products to help insure against damage from accidents like drops, spills, electrical surges, or screen malfunctions. A full lineup of Lenovo Services for Small Business backs up the ThinkPad Twist. Customers can select from a portfolio of warranty upgrades, Accidental Damage Protection, Keep Your Drive and other protection services valuable to today's small businesses. Additionally, Lenovo Premium Support’s expert technicians are available when needed with convenient over the phone or remote session support from the comfort of home.

Pricing and Availability
Available through the nearest reseller, the IdeaPad Yoga 13 (3rd generation Intel Core i5-3317U processor) will be available from end December 2012 starting from RM3,399. The IdeaPad Yoga 11 (NVIDIA Tegra 3 processor) will be available from early December 2012 starting from RM 2,599. The ThinkPad Twist (3rd generation Intel Core i5-3317U processor) will be available from mid November 2012 starting from RM3,519.

Synology Launches RackStation RS3413xs+ and DiskStation DS713+

Where NAS server performance and reliability are escalated

Taipei, Taiwan—November 6, 2012—Synology® Inc. today launched RS3413xs+, the first XS+ series NAS server that boasts superior performance of 400,000+ read IOPS and high availability to provide a rigorous foundation for the mission-critical tasks of large-scale businesses.

Equipped with Xeon® Quad Core™ 3.3 GHz CPU and dual 10GbE bandwidth capability, the RS3413xs+ is capable of delivering 2,000+ MB/s read throughput under RAID 5 configuration with link aggregation. The combination of SSD cache technology and SATA drives boosts throughput efficiently while minimizing cost per gigabyte. Besides, encryption acceleration with AES New Instructions ensures its performance stays uncompromised.

While delivering superior throughput, the RS3413xs+ attains high availability with wide-ranging redundancy features. Forthcoming Synology High Availability ensures seamless transition between cluster servers in the event of system failure. Redundant power supplies and system fans, plus multiple network ports with failover support, assure continual service uptime. Passive cooling technology on the CPU also eliminates a single point of failure. In addition, 8 GB ECC RAM expandable to 32 GB detects and corrects errors during data transmission to ensure accuracy and exceptional performance.

Purpose built for managing big data, the RS3413xs+ can accept two RX1211/RX1211RP expansion units to seamlessly scale up to 136 TB. The RS3413xs+ makes for an excellent addition to virtualized environments by supporting Microsoft® Windows Server 2012 with Hyper-V™, VMware® vSphere™ 5 VAAI integration, as well as Citrix® XenServer™.

“RS3413xs+ provides the performance, reliability, scalability, comprehensive virtualization support and enterprise features that large-scale businesses demand, at an affordable cost, making itself a cut above the rest,” Wayne An, product manager of Synology Inc.

RS3413xs+ runs DiskStation Manager (DSM) 4.1, the operating system of every Synology DiskStation and RackStation. DSM 4.1 provides rich features to boost productivity and simplify tasks, all on a sleek interface optimized for multitasking. Synology has received numerous media accolades. RS3412(RP)xs received “Recommended” award from and won “NVR Excellent” award at Secutech Exhibition.

For more product information, please visit

Synology RackStation RS3413xs+ and RX1211/RX1211RP are now shipping globally

Synology Launches DiskStation DS713+

A Robust & Scalable Foundation for Resilient Future Growth

Taipei, Taiwan—November 6, 2012—Synology® Inc. today introduced DiskStation DS713+, a scalable 2-bay NAS server that provides SMB users with a high-performance data management solution.

“When data grow exponentially, businesses struggle to keep up with their evolving needs in the storage race,” said Darren Lin, product manager of Synology Inc. “The DS713+ addresses the challenge by allowing users to quickly expand its capacity up to 28 TB with Synology expansion unit,” added Lin.

The DS713+ surpasses its predecessor with a substantial platform upgrade to a 2.13 GHz dual core processor. Under RAID 1 configuration in a Windows® environment with Link Aggregation enabled, it delivers average read and write speeds of 202.3MB/s and 135.84MB/s respectively. Moreover, the DS713+ is optimized for high-quality surveillance footage, and supports up to 20 channels of simultaneous high-definition IP camera recording.

The DS713+ is equipped with two USB 3.0 ports that offer 10 times faster file transfer rates than USB 2.0. To ensure high availability to business data, DS713+ features front-mounted hot-swappable drives with dual Gigabit Ethernet ports for failover protection to reduce vulnerabilities resulting from unexpected service downtime.

With complete iSCSI support, DS713+ can be seamlessly integrated with major virtualization solutions, including VMware® vSphere™ 5 with VAAI support, Citrix® XenServer™ and Microsoft® Windows Server 2012 with Hyper-V™. In addition, it fits easily into business environments with LDAP, Windows AD and ACL support.

Synology DS713+ runs DiskStation Manager (DSM) 4.1, the operating system of every Synology DiskStation and RackStation. DSM 4.1 provides rich features to boost productivity and simplify tasks, all on a sleek interface optimized for multitasking. Synology has received numerous media accolades, including “Best Equipment of 2011” for DS712+, granted by CHIP, Poland.

For more information, please visit

Synology DiskStation DS713+ is now shipping globally