
Tuesday, March 24, 2009


PENANG, March 23: JARING Communications has delivered the country’s first EPC Global Gen2 compliant radio-frequency identification (RFID) public library facility in the Penang Public Library Corporation (Library).

The RFID system is implemented for the main library, and four libraries on the island and the mainland. The project covers the RFID tagging of 200,000 books and 8,000 other media.

The RFID system will enable the Library to conduct their operations in a more seamless and efficient manner compared to the current system using bar code. It also enables the Library to have real-time visibility over the availability, and physical location of the book or books needed.

The initiative comes under the purview of the Penang and Kulim Pilot Broadband Project, a pilot programme under Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC). It is implemented by Smartag Solutions.

“At Penang Public Library Corporation, this first real-time automatic asset tracking solution can find any book down to the rack where it is located,” added Dr Mohamed bin Awang Lah, chief executive officer of JARING Communications Sdn Bhd at the launch ceremony held today.

“The new RFID application will completely replace the libraries' current tracking system, which is based on bar codes. This new system will eventually serve more than one purpose, enabling the library to automate such circulation management functions such as checkout and return, sorting and inventory.”

In addition to equipping libraries with RFID technology, JARING plans to introduce the new RFID automation system to the public sector, especially in education and government ministries, along with the manufacturing, financial services and healthcare sectors.

“The Malaysian market has been slowly adopting RFID technology and demand will increase by 2010 before strengthening on an annual basis,” he said.

“RFID growth will be boosted by a growing understanding of this technology's potential, helped by the eventual recovery of the current economic downturn, at which time end-users will become more optimistic in proceeding with their RFID initiatives.”

IDC, the technology consultancy, stated that RFID spending in Malaysia is estimated to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 45.84% to almost US$20.94 million (RM77 million) in 2010 from US$2.45 million (RM9 million) in 2005.

According to Shukriah Yon, Director of Penang Public Library Corporation, this new technology will offer the people of Penang an excellent level of library service.

"Through the deployment of this RFID system, we have realized our vision of a fully-automated library where patrons can borrow and return books and other media entirely on their own”.

Smartag Solutions developed Smartware and implements the RFID book tagging which efficiently integrates with the library current system.“Every piece of library material which is tagged, enables patrons to self-checkout and return materials quickly and efficiently. For example, a book which has been borrowed here, can then be dropped off into an RFID box on Penang Island at any time even after office hours.”

“In addition, it will help librarians control the flow of library materials. It also frees up librarians from routine check-in / out duties so they can concentrate on assisting patrons in the library,” she added.

The implementation of the RFID system in Penang Public Library Corporation has begun in December 2008 and was completed in February 2009.

In conjunction with the launch, JARING Communications and Penang State Public Library also hosted a seminar on the new RFID Library system, titled “Role of Libraries, Broadband and RFID within our Community”.

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